
Monday, June 21, 2010

Girly Summer Craft Ideas!

I love craft ideas for the summer here are a few....

Tye Dye
Okay so this is a "Must Do" project. I was always afraid to do this because of the mess and it seemed hard. Well, just wear nasty clothes and do it outside on a nice sunny day and who cares about the mess. It is so much fun and it is not hard at all. To do this project, go to your local craft store and buy a kit and some white t-shirts. Apparently one kit makes a ton of shirts. This picture is of my very first shirt. I love this project and I want to do it with my girls very soon!!! Isn't the shirt toooo cute! Love this!

Hanky Purses
This handkerchief purse turned out really cute. You need to two handkerchiefs.

1. Put the handkerchiefs good sides of patter facing out.

2. Cut off an inch on three sides (leave the top uncut this is the opening of your purse and you need the nice sewn part so it doesn't fray) Set aside those inch strips.

3. Cut 1/2 inch strips, as far in as you want your size purse to be, on the sides and bottom. The bottom corners just cut off the square on each side (you will know what I mean as you do it).

4. Tie the coordinating strips together so that the back of the purse is tied to the front of the purse.

5. Use the left over strips from step two and braid three of them together. This will be the handle of your purse. Hand stitch handle to your purse.

Now all you savvy seamstresses I sewed the three edges so there will be no little holes in the purse. You don't have to do that but my little girls always just throw tiny treasures in their purse and if you don't sew it there small things may fall out

Funky Hair Ties

Hair ties are so fun. These were made out of various fun ribbons tied (double knot) to a chunky rubber band. The key to these fun ones is keep it to one color of various shades or three colors that are found within the ribbon (the green and yellow is a good example in the pic) All the ribbons in a pony tail look really cute. A little girl can do this is super easy!

Barrettes & Earrings
Make fun barrettes and earrings. The barrettes are made out of paper chains...maybe you made them as a kid out of bubble gum wrappers. I love Ehow go here and they show you how! The Gerber daisy barrettes are made out of the petals of the flower and a giant rhinestone glued to a Barrett. Earrings can be really easy and you can have a lot of fun picking out beads with your girl. It doesn't have to be expensive either. The earrings in the picture are three things...the part that goes in your ear, a long wire with an end on it (kinda looks like a pin for sewing), and beads. I used one tool with these earrings needle nose pliers that are rounded. I am sure there are technical terms for all these things but I don't know them off hand. Oh, for fun I used glow in the dark beads, the girls loved those.

Teach your daughter how to make friendship bracelets (call em BFF bracelets now : ) ) There are so many different ways of making them. Here is one kind you could make here.

Too Cute Hat
I found this bucket hat at a local craft store; it was like less than 2 bucks. Sew on a cute bow and Gerber daisy (take a part to just the petals). Glue on giant rhinestone!

Flippy Floppies
We love flip flops at our house. I made two kinds and they were easy, easy, easy to make....
Material Flip Flops
1. Cut one strips of really cute material.
2. Tie (double knot) onto your flip flop.
Gerber Daisy Flip Flop 1. Glue daisy top to the flip flop (our on a clip that you clip to your flip flop)
2. Glue a giant rhinestone to the center

Pretty Pillows
Sewing is becoming a lost art... sad : ( . So, if you know how teach your daughter how. It really is a fun and creative experience. My daughter designed this idea for a competition at our girl’s ministry retreat, Powette. She got a blue ribbon. She was really proud of her creation!

Side note Glue is very important so you want to make sure you find the right kind....sorry Elmer’s and glue sticks are just not gonna get the job done. Sometimes hot glue isn't going to be that great either. I did find some great glue at my local craft store, it is a tacky glue that adheres to metal and plastic which is exactly what I needed for the flip flops and barrettes.
Have fun being creative this summer and

I made of these things to sell at our girls ministry retreat. They all turned out really cute!

1 comment:

  1. These are all adorable! You are way to creative. I absolutely loved the tags you put everything on. Anna is bugging me to do a yard sale just for her, I might have to steal your ideas and help her put on a homemade sale!

    FYI: The link under the bracelet category send you to a blank page (no pattern).


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