
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday Walk Through My Garden!

There is nothing I like more than hanging out in my garden. I have been working on it for years and it is starting to come together. I have a lot more work to do and it is a friendship garden. Many of my flowers have been given to me from my friends gardens; trust me there is not much money invested in this garden.
I love working in it. I think of memories from long ago, reflecting on stories of my grandma's garden and praying to God as I spend time weeding. It has become a very calming place for me. I love picking flowers from it and it was part of my design to let my girls pick flowers from it. So today, I will let you walk through my garden and see the beauty of God's creation. It is God's living art in my backyard.

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. I LOVE your garden pictures!! the flowers are beautiful! I can't wait to see you tomorrow! :) yeah!

  2. Those are gorgeous pictures! I love gardening,, I should say, I love the results, but not the process!


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