
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Freeing the Fat" ~ Week 2, Day 3


Measuring, measuring and more measuring is what I have been doing for all my meals. I have never measured so much in my life! So in honor of all this measuring I found a fun song for you and your kids to learn this summer. Go to the link to hear half of will get the idea to be able to sing the rest. hahahahaha

"Lemonade Stand" lyrics

How much lemonade can the animals drink?
At the lemonade stand in the crazy jungle
Pint, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon
You will learn the difference soon
Cuz a monkey drinks more than a mouse
In the jungle.

The Sun came up and the jungle was getting hot
A mouse knew a teaspoon of lemonade would hit the spot
Then a toad hopped by and croaked a tune
"I'm bigger than a mouse; I can drink a tablespoon"
Three teaspoons to make a tablespoon... in the jungle

The mouse and the toad were sitting on a piece of wood
And the little bit of lemonade was tasting very good
Then a toucan flew by and said, "What's up?"
"I need a lot more may I please have a cup"
16 tablespoons to make one cup
3 teaspoons to make a tablespoon... in the jungle

But the day was young and there was more to drink
Wasting lemonade would really, really stink
Then a monkey dropped in from out of sight
"I'm twice as big and I need a pint."
It takes 2 cups to make one pint
16 tablespoons to make one cup
3 teaspoons to make a tablespoon... in the jungle

How much lemonade can the animals drink?
At the lemonade stand in the crazy jungle
Barrel, gallon, quart and pint
They all want a different size
Cause a hippo drinks more than a mouse
...In the jungle.

Well after the monkey had ordered himself one pint
A growl from the bushes gave him quite a fright
A tiger jumped through and said with a snort
"I'm twice as big and I can drink a quart"
Cuz it takes 2 pints to make one quart,
Takes 2 cups to make one pint,
16 tablespoons to make one cup,
3 teaspoons to make a tablespoon... in the jungle

While the monkey hanged in a tree with his pint (which had spilled)
And the tiger enjoyed his quart, which didn't seem right
A hippo came by whose name was Allan
"I'm 4 times as big and can drink a gallon"
Cuz it takes 4 quarts to make one gallon,
Takes 2 pints to make one quart,
Takes 2 cups to make one pint,
16 tablespoons to make one cup,
3 teaspoons to make a tablespoon... in the jungle

A monkey with a pint and a tiger with a quart, what a sight!
And hippo with a gallon and a sound coming from the right
Here comes the elephant, his name is Darrel
"I'm really thirsty, please give me a barrel"
That's 42 gallons to make one barrel,
Takes 4 quarts to make one gallon,
Takes 2 pints to make one quart,
Takes 2 cups to make one pint,
16 tablespoons to make one cup,
3 teaspoons to make a tablespoon... in the jungle, or the city, or the desert or the moon.

Hey, Mr. Elephant, how many teaspoons are there in a barrel?

Hahahaha I would not want to count out all those teaspoons. I looked it up....32,256 tsp. Lemonade sounds good. I think I will try to make some with Splenda some time.

So, breakfast was good today. It was simple and maybe a little more along what I would eat normally. But, I ain't gonna was rougher as far as hunger goes. I am craving some serious chocolate.....

But let's think about other things, like how fantastic my lunch was. I love tuna so this dish was right up my alley. The recipe called for tuna, a teaspoon of REAL Mayo (Yeah), green onion, mustard ( this really gave it some great flavor...I didn't think it would but it did) and celery (I didn't add this cause I like celery all by itself ..not in my food, it wrecks it...blahk). I sprinkled dill weed on top... I love dill weed...yeah my chicken salad looks more like, "Do you want to add some more chicken to go with that dill weed salad." hahaha!

I was suppose to eat a whole green pepper but they are not my fav and I could only eat half. And a not so happy out come is that green pepper keeps trying to come back up....yuck! But, I am a firm believer that you can learn to like food. My hubby completely disagrees; I just think it is an excuse for him to not try hahahaha. I am determined to prove him wrong, because he is hardly ever wrong. : )

NOW FOR THE DINNER .....TADAAAAAAAA! Imagine pixie dust flying everywhere!

I know why I was feeling all hungry was because what I was eating for dinner. They were saving up all those calories and fat for one fantastic meal. For dinner I cooked sirloin steak, garlic mashed potatoes and veggies. I got to use real butter!

Now for some heaven sent food...MY SNACK ( imagine I am singing that in a glorious majestic voice)! Praise the Good Lord Jesus for Haagen Dazs....He is so good to me. May he continually bless Haagen Dazs for their marvelous treat for me. It was like eating regular ice cream but less than 180 calories and less than 2.5 grams of fat. The Lord knew what I needed! Oooo it was on sale too...alllll good!

1/3 cup of frozen yogurt and strawberries!!!!


Got to know what 8 glasses of water will do to you LOL.......

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