
Monday, July 12, 2010

Freeing the Fat ~ Week 2, Day 1 & 2

What .....wait a minute what is going on.....I know it is not Friday but I have too much to share hahahaha. My blog would be stupid long if I waited until Friday, so for this week I will post something every day.

First thing first... my dear friend Jenilee, who is sooo supportive of me, made a button for me so there you go. The code is on my side bar if you would like it!


So my goal for week 2 is: Walk + Try New Menu!

I got this 1200 calorie sample menu from my doctor. (Now this diet is for specifically for my height and weight and not neccesarily what you may need to do...please talk to your doctor before going on any diet...ha you may get lucky with a few more calories considering I am pretty short hahaha) I wanted to try it and see exactly how I should be eating and what it will be like. I am on day two of that diet and already there have been some fun unexpected things to deal with like: a open house, birthday parties, traveling and shopping for everything. I have to live like I normally do but somehow change my eating habits and that can be tricky!

Sunday was my first day and we had an open house to go to. Yikes! Failure all around me! I decided to eat lunch before I went. I told my dear friend what I was up to so she wouldn't be offended that I wasn't eating her food that smelled soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! But, I was so proud of myself, I didn't eat a yummy thing there...not even the chocolate cake (personal favorite)...
Yay for me...
take a minute to do a happy dance for me...
thank you!
I have a few birthday parties coming up that should be interesting. I had to take my daughter to camp today and instead of buying lunch...I took one with me. I have only been doing this for two days and I have figured out that I have to be deliberate in my eating and have a game plan....this is very interesting to me, which I will go into more detail on Friday.

The next funny thing was my shopping list....hahahahahahahahahah...I laugh just thinking about it. My list is never ever ever ever like this. So here it is......

Sugar free syrup
Skim milk
Light wheat bread
Natural peanut butter
Sugar free jelly
Baby carrots
2 Chicken legs
Canned pineapple
Water chestnuts (never have purchased in my whole life, I didn't even know where to find them)
Snow peas
Saltine crackers
Fat free cheese (ok so this should not be made for human consumption...I will try to find something better)
2% cottage cheese
Whole wheat pita
Light mayo
Tomato sauce
Green olives
2 non-fat fruited yogurts
Puffed rice cereal
2 Bananas
Sunflower seeds
Green pepper
Sirloin steak
Non-fat frozen yogurt
Low-fat mozzarella
Veal loin
Brown rice
1 orange
Sweet pepper
Alfalfa sprouts
Ground sirloin
Animal crackers (hahahaha this one just makes me happy)
English muffin
Lamb loin (can I say a What? What! where am I gonna find this in my little town hahaha)
Turnip (Yuck! I am gonna try it though)
1 peach
12 cherries

I took some pictures of my meals...I have to admit they were good! Oh, and I have
not been starving during the day....oooooyeah!

This was my first meal and I had to make some adjustments. I was suppose to buy frozen pancakes...I thought about that and didn't like it. I decided to use my great grandpa's pancake recipe and replace the 3 tablespoons of sugar with 2 tablespoons of splenda. I used canola oil instead of vegtable. Instead of buttermilk I used skim milk. I could have some butter with my pancakes and I just deleted that just for good measure. This was a great meal to kick this was good. 3/4 cups of yummy blueberries divine. Oh and my kids IKEA cups are great for 8oz! I use my luncheon plates to make it look like more hehehehe.

I wasn't sure about this one....sautéed onions and chicken, 1/2 cup pineapple with juice , 1/2 cup water chestnuts, 1 cup snow peas and I was suppose to sprinkle almonds on tope but I forgot ....sad. I must say I was surprised that I liked it! Yeah!

My packed lunch today chicken salad (chicken, green onions, 1 tbl light mayo and dill weed) in a 1/2 whole wheat pita. 1 1/4 cup watermelon, nonfat fruited yogurt (Suppose to be my snack. The cauliflower from dinner will be my snack now). I was supposed to have zucchini sticks and nonfat dressing for dipping; but I couldn't eat that while driving. The zucchini went into this instead and that was a yummy decision......

So, this one is a favorite....sautéed onions and salmon then when that was cooked I added 1/3 cup tomatoe sauce (I added a little water) and zucchini, then I cooked that a little longer. When done I poured it on 1 cup whole wheat noodles. I added 10 small green olives which were surprisingly very good...a little sea salt and I had a very good meal. I actually could not finish it, it was too much. Oh this I had to put on a big dinner plate...hahahaha love that!

So, if anyone has some low calorie meals they like to share please feel free to comment!

This has been pretty fun to figure out so far....

1 comment:

  1. so proud of you! your meals look great! you really should get that daniel fast book because it is full of GREAT low-fat, low-calorie recipes. and they are good too!


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