On the fifth day of Christmas I always try to make five golden pancakes!

During the holiday season I always try to celebrate St. Lucia day, Dec. 13th. My family and John's family are part Swedish. My great, great grandparents came to America from Sweden. I love celebrating our heritage. The Swedish have a wonderful holiday celebration. You can check it out here if you are interested.
Now we do a little twist on the celebration. Usually, I wake up the girls and I make them my great grandfathers Swedish pancakes. I decorate my table with my Swedish decorations. I have all the little candles burning and we have a wonderful time. I also talk about that St. Lucia was a wonderful Christian and what a great example she was to us. We need to bring light into the dark world and that light is Jesus Christ.
It is always a fun time and the girls enjoy it very much. So, I have decided as a Christmas gift to anyone who reads my blog...here is my great Grandfather's very special pancake recipe.
Swedish Pancakes (From my great grandfather Harold Tuvee Ockerman)
2 c. flour
2 Tbl Baking Powder

1 teas salt
1/8 teas Baking Soda
3 Tbl sugar
2 eggs
2 c. Buttermilk
1/2 c. oil
1 c - 1 1/2 c. water more if needed!
1. Mix dry ingredients.
2. In anther bowl beat eggs and buttermilk real good.
3. Combine dry and egg mixture into one bowl and mix until smooth.
4. Add 1/2 cup oil...mix.
5. Add water a little at a time. Mix after you add a little. Keep adding to make the pancake batter very thin. Thin like crepes. My grandma would always stand over us and say.."Not thin enough!" LOL
6. Pour batter on griddle. We always made them on the small size about 3-4 inches in diameter.
7. To serve sprinkle with powder sugar, roll them up and eat them with your fingers.
What fun traditions are in your family heritage? Have fun checking them out and always.....

4 new little buildings
Yummy! you can make me some!!! :)