Come and enjoy the Johnson Family Village! We have a beautiful home, gorgeous church, a wood shop, and doll shop and a quaint bed and breakfast.
I remember as a small girl how much I loved little houses, churches, and stores that would glow during the Christmas season. I would peer through the tiny windows and imagine what Christmas fun would be going on inside. My little fingers would walk up the steps and my mind would wander away into Christmas bliss.
I have had the church for years. It was given to me by a boy that was in a daycare that I worked at. I love churches...surprise...surprise. Anyways, last year at the end of the season I found three building marked down by like 80%. So, I decided that my little church should not be lonely anymore. Then my Aunt found a building that she wanted to give the girls and it fits perfectly with our tiny little village.
Now, I am not totally into this because I really don't want it to get out of hand. I just don't have the room for a whole town. My mother-in-law collects Dept. 56 buildings and it is really cute and fun. I just don't have the room. But, I will enjoy my five little cozy buildings that sit on the corner of my piano.
The girls love it and they had fun placing the trees and the little characters. I hope it sparks their imaginations and add's to the joy of Christmas. I love how simple little things can bring about such warm memories.
Is there anything that was in your parents home or grandparents home that you enjoyed seeing at Christmas? Try to take sometime to remember fond memories and make some with your children this holiday season.

3 children decorating
2 pairs of shoes
1 holiday ornament
I love your four little buildings! :)