
Monday, July 12, 2010

Not Me Monday ~ Diet, Make Up & Camp!

I would not start a diet and think the fat is melting off of me just like that. I would know that this is going to take awhile...a long while. You don't just start noticing a difference in two days...come on now....that would just be silly.

I would not discover that water chestnuts are pretty good....and after eating them wonder ..."What in the world are water chestnuts anyway???"

I would not lose my foundation somewhere in this crazy house on Sunday morning. It would not be in my makeup bag and then "POOF"... gone in one second. I would not make us late to church ripping the house apart to find it. I would not then use a stick of concealer for foundation. I would not then think..."Hey, not too bad".

I would not send my daughter off to kidz camp be all by herself. (Okay, she is not by herself ...3 other kids from our church, a youth kid are there and bunch of adults I know are running the camp) But, I would not be sad about leaving her allllll alone. I would not leave her notes for each day just so she wouldn't be home sick. I would not think of ways I could come and visit her (1 1/2 hours away mind you). I would not stay up until 2am thinking about the whole thing. I would not have started interceding for her weeks ago that she would be safe.

I would not let my daughter go to camp with the craziest hat I have ever seen and let her wear it for crazy hat day...nope not me!

I would not stay up late and make superhero costumes for my daughter and her BFF, for superhero day at camp. My daughter would not be going as Duct Tape Girl with the power to stick and her BFF would not go as her sidekick Sticky Girl! Hahahaha that would be toooo outrageously funny now... wouldn't it?!

I would certainly not worry...nope not me!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

1 comment:

  1. those cabins have not changed at all!!! yeah for lost valley!!! I'm sure she will have a wonderful time. :) our links on mckmama's page are right by each other! lol


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