
Friday, July 9, 2010

"Freeing the Fat" ~ Week 1

Okay, so I made it through week one; however it was not tough because I was on vacation and I did not set my self up for failure. I did manage to get some exercise in. I am pretty proud about that, because it would have been a lot easier to sleep in. But I managed to bike ride/walk Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and sorta today. I took some pictures of my walk. It was a lot of fun here in Ludington.

Here is the pics of my walk....week one of my "Freeing the Fat" life change.

I have some really great things God is showing me about this "Freeing the Fat"..... that I am actually really excited to write about. So stop by and check in every once and awhile to see how I am doing.

Oh, I tried to order salads when we went out and I did not eat myself into a it was an all around good start. I am not so sure about next week, it should be very exciting......

1 comment:

  1. glad you had a good start! did you get that button code that I sent you? the pictures are beautiful! I am learning a lot too and really enjoying this daniel fast. it is a great way for health in many, many ways. God is good!


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