
Friday, July 2, 2010

"Freeing the Fat"

So, God has been dealing with me on working on my physical self. YIKES! I have been feeling really yucky and I know that it is a direct result of my weight....Yup, I can finally admit I am overweight. (Sigh) Now don't go feeling sorry for me or say, "Aw, you shouldn't say that about yourself." I need to be honest about myself and in order to "Get all the Joy" God has for me I need to start feeling better. That means working out virtues in my life...self control, hard work and perseverance. I am tired of carrying the weight of a 7 year old. (Sad to think I need to loose the weight of a small person). No wonder I feel so yucky and tired...and God does not want that for me.

I went to the Doctor recently to get the ball moving. It is sad when your doctor grimaces while she is calculating your numbers for the amount of calories you should be eating. It is really sad when she tells you, "It is not can only have 1200 calories" especially when you thought you could have 2,000. I am telling you it can be a cruel world for a short person.

God wants me to be healthy....hey, I want to be healthy.

So, I have decided that every Friday I will post how I am doing here. I even made the cute logo for it....heehehe. Now I know being overweight is a serious health condition. I am telling you up front that I am gonna find all the humor I can during this. I have to be able to laugh or it will just be depressing and not fun.

I have decided to break this up into small goals....I have the first three weeks figured out:

  • Week 1 ~ Go on Vacation
Try not to laugh to hard but it was already on the calendar. This has to be a life change but I don't want to sabotage myself in the first week either. Hey, I want to be realistic not stupid. My goal is to go walking everyday while on vacation. Simple enough....oh and not eat myself into a coma. I will try to write about it on Friday while I am on vacation.

See how I did here!

  • Week 2 ~ Try the menu example my doctor gave me.
Walking + New Menu
Hopefully I won't starve and go broke at the same time. I already wrote out the grocery list...lets just say it is not my normal grocery list. I am gonna try to follow everyday exactly...except for the time I am supposed to eat beats and rye bread...yuck!

See how I did here:
  • Week 3 ~ Try the 2nd week of the menu.
Hopefully...I am not dead...that's it ...not dead's a good goal not to be dead.

I am no longer going to be a slave of my is time to be "Free from my Fat".
This is going to be interesting.....


  1. I am praying for you!!! I'm going to message you something on facebook. if you want me to make a button code that others can grab and join you on your friday weight posts, just let me know!

  2. This is awesome. Just keep on trying!!! :)


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