
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Walk ~ My 100 Year Old Church

My church turned 100 years old this month. So needless to say I have been very busy doing various things to help with the celebration. We also started remodeling the sanctuary for this historic event. Here is the before picture! This picture was taken in the 70's and up till this past May that is what it still looked like....sad I know.

Here is the after picture. We had a wonderful team called MAPS RVers come and remodel the sanctuary, foyer and bathrooms. The work they did was stunning.

Our 100 year celebration was a weekend event. Saturday night we looked back at the past 100 years. The Mayor came and proclaimed Sept. 19th as Gladwin Assembly of God day.

We honored past Pastor's of our church. It was a very moving time and our district superintendent, Bill Leach, shared a wonderful sermon.

Here is my hubby leading us in worship.

On Sunday, Assemblies of God general treasure, Doug Clay, preached a fantastic sermon challenging us to throw a "Catchable Pass" to our young people as we look forward to what God has in store for us.
My beautiful family!

This is a picture of the Assemblies of God MAPS RVers who remodeled our sanctuary. They did such a beautiful job and became good friends.

Sunday afternoon was our church picnic! We had a pig roast, tons of food, carnival games, bean bag game tournament and inflatable's. It was a blast. I was in charge of the kids activities and my hubby was in charge of the bean bag tournament. Everyone had a fantastic time.

Here is the bean bag tournament. I am sure there is an actual name for this game. hahaha

Enjoying the bounce house myself...well I don't know if "enjoy: is the right word. I felt a little weird after, I think I bounced my brain right out of my head. LOL

One very exhausted girl...I am not joking... I could have fallen asleep right there. One very large event finally over for this on to the next one...this weekend is my Girl's Ministries Sleepover. Now there is never a dull or slow moment for this pastor's wife.

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. Your church is beautiful. Congrats on your church turning 100. What a great memory.

  2. What an awesome remodel - love the chairs instead of the pews (wish we had those). Such a wonderful celebration! Thank you for sharing your church and worship family with us! ♥

  3. the pictures are great! so glad the event went well!

  4. What a great celebration! The remake looks awesome! I do like the old pews though too, but I am sure the new chairs are more "cushiony".

    Blessings & aloha!


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