
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Dreams of Warmer Places

I'm leaving on a jet plane...don't know when I'll be back again....We have a snow day today on March 23rd and the kids are at home making messes, fighting and being crazy. Come on spring where are you...I miss you so much. I am sitting in my chair and dreaming...dreaming of a time that seemed so long ago and much warmer...........
Oh Florida, I love you. I am dreaming of you, warm sun. Vacations help me....

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. Oh wow, those beautiful pictures make me want to book a trip right now. You have such a beautiful family! I'm loving this trip down memory lane with you:)

    Visiting from WW.

  2. dreaming... yes, me too. snow for us this weekend too lol this small taste of spring just wasn't enough!

  3. Oh, you have made me want to go on a vacation too! It's been a couple of years since we went to Disney..and the beaches of California.

    It's warm here in Kansas today...but the wind is blowing like CRAZY! I guess it's always something to make us complain huh? (smile)

    Happy Wednesday!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  4. I'm having a mini snow storm in upstate NY and also dreaming of spring. I'm visiting with Wednesday Walk. Enjoyed your pics! Blessings!

  5. what fun pics! Can't wait to see our kids experience Mickey "live" some day!

  6. Okay, if you're going to post pictures like that then they need to be magical pictures that you can jump through and end up in those places! You know, like in Mary Poppins with the chalk drawings!!!

    By the way, we are headed to Disney this summer! SO excited!

  7. Love the last photo of the bucket hats. :) I've been dreaming of 90 degree weather lately...let's just skip the 80's and hit the high mark and make me warm!


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