
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Romans 12, part 1- True Worship & God's Will

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

So much "Awesomeness" is in these two little verses. (Can I say that word...well I just did!) These are some great "If-Then" verses as I like to call them. "If -Then" verse are the ones that "IF" we do something "THEN" something really good comes after. I like God's promises, don't you???

Now, I like the little tiny phrase in verse one "In the view of God's mercy". We need to put our mercy glasses on and see that everything that we do, say and achieve brings glory to God; because He has had mercy on us. Without His mercy we would be lost and still deserving of His wrath. Remember this through out this chapter that it is by grace we have been saved through faith. God in His love has had mercy on us.

#1 "If" I offer my body as a living sacrifice "Then" I will give true worship.

The Jews really understood this idea of sacrifice. They sacrificed animals to repent of their sin and as an act of worship to God. When God's people sacrificed it was a sweet aroma to Him because their sins were covered and their hearts and attitudes were pleasing to God. But now that Christ became the perfect sacrifice once and for all the need for animal sacrifice was now gone.

Interestingly enough though we need to still have the attitude of sacrifice by being a "Living" sacrifice unto God. Yes, Jesus did the work but we still need to have the right mind set, attitude everyday because of that sacrifice and not take it for granted.

This has been really coming to "life" for me as I have been changing my eating habits. There have been days that self-control has been such a struggle and I have wanted to chuck it all and say who cares. God cares!

He cares that I treat my body with respect. This is just a small aspect of "presenting my body as a living sacrifice"; God wants me to bring my health, my spirit, my mind, my heart all into the submission of Him. I must not hold back one little secret part from Him. He wants all of me. We can not become lazy.

When I offer myself as a living sacrifice, I will be able to offer myself as true and proper worship. When I look through those glasses of mercy, I begin to see how much God has given me. I in turn want to worship Him, to love Him. Why? Because He loves much so that He died for me. I want to be a "sweet aroma" of worship to my beloved Creator.

#2 "If" I do not conform to the world and be transformed in my mind "Then" I will know God's will.

The second verse gives us clear direction to not be like the world. The world is in direct hostility towards God. The world is deserving of God's wrath. Remember the first part of Romans?

We need to be transformed. How do we become transformed? The answer is very simple here in verse 2, by the renewing of our minds. I like the word renewing it has action behind it. We don't renew our minds once....nope. We need to be in a state of renewing. We daily need to:
seek God,
read His word,
go to church,
meditate on His teachings,
listen to Him when He speaks,
do what He asks us to do,
be open to change,
learn from mentors, pastors and teachers

When we allow our minds to be transformed by God then we understand the heartbeat of God. We have developed a relationship with Him. He has become more than a friend to us. When you understand someone that well then you know their character, you understand their motives, and you know the love they have.

When things get tough and you don't understand God...then you can test and approve His will because you know Him. You may not know the full extent of what He is doing but you can totally trust HIM! His will is good, pleasing and perfectly perfect in every way.

.....Ooooo those verses will preach! I think I have written the most today than I have over the whole study and on just two little verses. When God touches our hearts lets listen and do....then receive all His good promises.

Let's offer true worship and know His will today and ....

1 comment:

  1. This is good stuff! I enjoyed the transparency of being healthy physically too! I am working really hard (harder than EVER before) at eating healthy for our baby and walking more. I am excited to know I am not the only one that wants to throw in the towel! :)

    Thanks for the encouragement!


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