
Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Very Merry Un Birthday Party!

A very merry unbirthday
To me
To who?
To me
Oh, you

A very merry unbirthday
To you
Who, me?
To you
Oh, me

Let's all congrulate us with another cup of tea
A very merry unbirthday to you

Now statistics prove
Prove that you've one birthday
Imagine just one birthday every year
Ah, but there are 364 unbirthdays
Preciselywhy we're gathered here to cheer

A very merry unbirthday
To me?
To you
A very merry unbirthday
For me?
For you
Now blow the candle out, my dear
And make your wish come true
A very merry unbirthday to you

The decorations turned out so cute!

Well, after this I should think nothing of falling down stairs. - Alice

A very Mad Hatter Tea Party!
We had fun party favors....
Drink Me Bottles, Cheshire Cat notebooks (thanks Target dollar spot), White chocolate rabbits, and fun flower pens I made.

Clean cup, clean cup. Move down.

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? - Alice

Family that loves her much more muchier!

Fun Gifts!
There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.....Which luckily I am. - Mad Hatter

Fun craft made out of cards!
Off with their Heads!- Queen of Hearts!

Sweet Friends celebrating their unbirthday as well!

Happy UnBirthday my sweet eleven year old!
Have I gone mad? -The Mad Hatter

I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.
- Alice
I can't wait to celebrate your real birthday soon!
Get Joy!

I'm late, I'm late, For a very important date. No time to say "Hello." Goodbye. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.


  1. This is AWESOME! I LOVE Rachel's ideas for her parties, she is such a cool kid. :)

  2. Wish we could have been there! Happy birthday, sweet Rachel!

  3. need to bottle that creativity and sell it!!!


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