
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Favorite Art- Ron Dicianni and Friends

My favorite Christian artist is Ron Dicianni. In many ways, I feel like he is very similar to my overall favorite artist Norman Rockwell. I love pictures that grip my heart and make me feel. Ron Dicianni's pieces really challenge me and my faith. When a piece of art does more than look pretty on a wall...then that is true art.

I have had the honor of meeting some full time artist in my life. Danielle, I met when we first started youth ministry. I loved hanging out with her and talking about her art. She is an amazingly wonderful woman and just fun to hang out with. She gave me a signed print of hers and I love it.
Danielle Spohn Moes can be purchased here.

I met Christy Perrine at National Fine Arts this past year. I blogged about the event here. She is an amazing artist as well. I was a little surprised about how awesome she is. I had fun talking about her art with her. I personally hate using the medium she uses, pastels. I think it is messy and hard to work with. But Christy can do amazing things with those pastels. Her work is simply beautiful!

You can check out her gallery here and actually buy a piece! Wouldn't you just love to have these hanging in your home?!

How Fun!

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