
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - An Easter Brrrrr!

We just had some more snow fall last night, grrrrr. I would really like to see some warm weather head to northern Michigan, fast! I keep remembering one Easter nine years ago and then I feel a little bit better about the weather right now.

We lived further north back then. One Easter morning, I woke up to this beautiful picture outside my window. It was rather breath taking. I didn't seem to mind snow on this Easter morning because for some reason it came with a deep meaning for me. The work on the cross on good Friday...makes me whiter than snow today. His blood covers my sin. His victory over death and the grave allows me to be able to stand pure before God with the hope of life. Wow...what a wonderful message for me that cold, cold morning.

That morning, I did not mind the brrrrrr on my face as I went out and grabbed some pictures.

Easter is such a wonderful, fun time for our family. We were warm inside looking for eggs.

Playing with the treasures in our Easter baskets....
Getting ready for church...
Worshiping Jesus for who is and all that He has done! Have a wonderful Easter, stay warm and....

Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.


  1. love the snow picture for easter... he washes us white as snow!!! you can't ask for a better illustration than that!

  2. Having grown up in Rochester, NY we also had more snowy Easter mornings than not - and there is a quiet beauty that surrounds that sunrise! Beautiful pictures :)

  3. can't even imagine...snow in APRIL..really?


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