
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Talent Shows

My girls just had their end of the year talent show. They both did a great job and I loved seeing them use their talents to glorify God.

My youngest girl did a painting. Here she is describing what she did and how she did her painting.
She is so proud of her work of art!
And here is my oldest singing in front of at least 3oo students and parents. I could not be any more proud than I am right now. (Oh and that man playing the piano is the best man on the planet...I am so glad he is mine. )

What are your talents? Or what are your children's talents?

God's gifts to us are so precious and help me....

Oooo and make sure you get the new Wednesday's Walk button & Link UP!!!!

Get Joy

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday's Walk- Season of Prom

Okay so for this weeks post, I went into deep storage, the archives, storage bins long lost to find something really old. Yup, my formal pictures!

Now, I went to Christian schools my whole life so we didn't have Proms...but formals. Hehehehehe so take a stroll down memory lane with me today. You will notice that my husband was my date for almost every single one except my homecoming in '94. We were not dating at the time and there is a looooooonnnnngggg story that I will just have to share some other time.

I can't remember if we got a professional picture of our first homecoming and first date. I don't have them if I did. But this is the picture of my first formal dress ever, first date ever, first formal event ever....first kiss (on the cheek) later that evening....a night full of fun "Firsts"!
This is John's senior homecoming. It was in our school gym, it had a fun city theme. The song "Friends" by Michael W. Smith was sung too much at this banquet. Here is John's Jr/Sr Banquet. The guys rented a limo. It was a great time. But, I hate this dress. I really struggled looking for one and I settled. I hate it when I do that.

Now like I said earlier, John and I were broken up during my homecoming. Sadly, I can not find the professional pictures for this evening. They are probably at my moms. They are great pictures of a group of us and I love them. I hope I can find them. But, here is a picture of me and Zach. He was a good friend of mine. This dress is my favorite of all of them.

John and I are still not dating was a confusing time. Anyway, for this evening it was still a good time. Our dinner was on the top of the Pontchartrain in downtown Detroit.

This is our Jr./Sr. Formal at college! What cuties we were. Our formal was on the Branson Belle, riverboat.

Do you still have your fun pictures????

Fancy dresses, good times and fond memories always help me....

GET JOY!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ho Hum!

Get your coffee, fuzzy blanket and bible and join me for a devotion that I shared on Monday at my Women's Ministry meeting.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Freeing the Fat Friday- 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

God's Lesson For Me
I was watching a show this week about losing weight and they asked three very great questions. Bob Greene asked them on Oprah. You can go here to see how you are suppose to answer the questions here. I want to try to answer those questions today.

1. Why are you overweight?
I think that I am mostly overweight because I simply stopped caring. I also think that is stressed related....I get stressed...I eat!

2. Why do you want to lose weight?
I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy. I am tired of feeling yucky and tired all the time. I am beginning to see the result already. I have been off of my acid reflux medication for almost four months now. I use to have terrible heart burn! I am so thrilled that I have not been suffering from that for awhile.

I also want to be lose weight to glorify God. I want all of me to be all of His! I do not want to hold anything back.

3. Why haven't you been successful to date?
Hummmmmmmmm.....I am lazy.....bottom line, that is it! It is so hard for me to develop discipline and consistency when it comes to my eating habits. I have a lot of excuses that don't matter. I have the resources at my finger tips. I just need to do it!

I really think God wants us to ask the hard questions and answer them truthfully. Answers that are more than just I like food, I want to look pretty and I don't know how. God wants to really examine our hearts and get to the root of our addictions.

If our answers are superficial than we will not be successful. We need to be honest right from the start. When we are honest with ourselves then we will find the motivation to press on. I found that I had to deal with the fact that I was obese; because I hated the very word and tried to ignore it for so long. I had to deal with the fact that I was carrying the weight of a child every day. I had to get real with the fact that my weight was the reason I felt physically horrible all the time.

I also had to accept who God made me to be, His creation. I needed to realize that He still loved me even 50lbs overweight. It was my inner beauty that still made me beautiful. Losing weight doesn't make me a beautiful person. It may make my appearance more attractive; but it doesn't make my heart beautiful. I can only truly be beautiful inside and out if I cultivate Christ in my life.

Proverbs 31

29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
but you surpass them all!”30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.31 Reward her for all she has done.
Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.

Meals for the Week & Exercise

Back to the daily grind of 1,200 calories. We will get there...we will get there. I am getting really good at knowing how many calories I am taking in...and really good at knowing when I go over. My hubby and I will probably be picking up the exercise thing again next week. He wasn't real happy when he weighed himself at the doctor the other day. I may have just got some motivational help thanks to his physical.

Food's Favorite Friends

Applebee's Rocks! Have you tried their 500 calorie dinners????!!!!! I love them for providing yummy food that I can feel good about eating! Go here and check them out! This my favorite and it really is soooo good, Signature Sirloin with Garlic Herb Shrimp! Doesn't it look good????

Life Challenge

Always be truthful with myself and....


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Hoo, hoo, hooo, hooo. Bouncy, Bouncy

Last week, we found this great place in Canton, MI. It is an indoor bounce house place. They have huge rooms with a bunch of those fun inflatables that kids love so much. We got a great deal from groupon $10 for a session for all five of us. Totally worth it and totally fun!!!! They also have party rooms...what a great place for birthdays!!!!
They loved this place, great price and great fun!

He loved just running around watching everyone. He has a lot of fears; but by the end of our time there he got on a few things and bounced.
I realized how old I am getting physically...but how young I am at heart. Yup...that is me waiting to go down that crazy slide!
We had fun watching our kids playing...even we got in on the fun! That slide was awesome. I still have a burn on my elbow from it, because it was so slippery. Hehehehehe
My kids are too cute!

What kind of crazy fun have you had with your family, your friends...or hey even by yourself???

Hanging out with my family helps me....

Fun side note this is my 400th post...that is crazy, considering how much I hate writing! I hope to have a new button soon for Wednesday's Walk...maybe next week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - A Kid's Perspective!

So, I am now the official host of Wednesday's Walk, Thanks Jenilee! Whoo Hoo! Please feel free to link up with me and post your wonderful memories on Wednesdays. I can't wait to read your fun stories!

I was going through some of my old picture files on my computer and found these fantastic pictures my girls took on their rite aid digital cameras. They took some pretty typical kid pictures of our trip to Washington D.C. These pictures below were taken by my then 6 year old daughter.....

Of course, she had to grab a picture of the view from one of our hotels.....
and her MP3 player!
Here is the blurry picture from the Hershey tour....

Let's not forget the extreme close up photo!
The picture of the random ducks...they are the middle....yup...see them?!
Or how about the picture of strangers?!
Then there are the funny face photos and the not so flattering ones of me. hehehehehee
But then every so often they grab one that just melts your heart......

My little photographers and their cheep camera photos help me....

Do you have any old un-posted photos or kid taken photos????? Link up and join the fun!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I am hosting....

I am going to be hosting Wednesday's Walk! Write a memory, share a story or post fun pictures that you want to share or reminisce. How fun is that?!

Stop by on Wednesday's and link up!
Whoo HOO!