
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - A Kid's Perspective!

So, I am now the official host of Wednesday's Walk, Thanks Jenilee! Whoo Hoo! Please feel free to link up with me and post your wonderful memories on Wednesdays. I can't wait to read your fun stories!

I was going through some of my old picture files on my computer and found these fantastic pictures my girls took on their rite aid digital cameras. They took some pretty typical kid pictures of our trip to Washington D.C. These pictures below were taken by my then 6 year old daughter.....

Of course, she had to grab a picture of the view from one of our hotels.....
and her MP3 player!
Here is the blurry picture from the Hershey tour....

Let's not forget the extreme close up photo!
The picture of the random ducks...they are the middle....yup...see them?!
Or how about the picture of strangers?!
Then there are the funny face photos and the not so flattering ones of me. hehehehehee
But then every so often they grab one that just melts your heart......

My little photographers and their cheep camera photos help me....

Do you have any old un-posted photos or kid taken photos????? Link up and join the fun!


  1. Oh how fun! I'm glad that you are taking over the walk :) I don't hve a post this week - my girls aren't old enough for cameras yet!

  2. Your kids are so cute! I'll link up later when I have more time! :)

  3. cute post! I need to get my girls a camera that they can take pictures with. I linked up the story of last night and dad's accident. crazy!!! thanks for hosting!!

  4. David took some on his class trip to DC that were...interesting.

    Love the ones you posted!

  5. I didn't know you took it over! Awesome!!


Thanks for stopping by GET JOY! I enjoy getting comments on my posts so feel free to leave one. Have a blessed day and .....