
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Hoo, hoo, hooo, hooo. Bouncy, Bouncy

Last week, we found this great place in Canton, MI. It is an indoor bounce house place. They have huge rooms with a bunch of those fun inflatables that kids love so much. We got a great deal from groupon $10 for a session for all five of us. Totally worth it and totally fun!!!! They also have party rooms...what a great place for birthdays!!!!
They loved this place, great price and great fun!

He loved just running around watching everyone. He has a lot of fears; but by the end of our time there he got on a few things and bounced.
I realized how old I am getting physically...but how young I am at heart. Yup...that is me waiting to go down that crazy slide!
We had fun watching our kids playing...even we got in on the fun! That slide was awesome. I still have a burn on my elbow from it, because it was so slippery. Hehehehehe
My kids are too cute!

What kind of crazy fun have you had with your family, your friends...or hey even by yourself???

Hanging out with my family helps me....

Fun side note this is my 400th post...that is crazy, considering how much I hate writing! I hope to have a new button soon for Wednesday's Walk...maybe next week.


  1. How fun! My girls love to bounce and we have a few places that we visit often - especially in the winter months!!

  2. bounce houses are so much fun! we love them too! well, my family loves them. me? not so much LOL :) I did a family time post today too!

  3. Thanks for taking over Wednesday's Walk Christina. I hope people will link up. (:>)

    I already had a post I just linked up with yours too.

    The Bouncy Place looks like fun for the kiddos. Glad y'all had fun.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  4. Bounce houses are so fun...I enjoy them as much as my boys. We don't visit them very often, though, just to keep them "new" when we do go. Everyone looks to be having the grandest of times!


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