
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Last Day of School

I remember always loving the last day of school. I loved cleaning out my locker, the excitement of summer vacation, saying good bye to teachers and friends, sitting in a bare classroom waiting for the last bell to ring and cheering as we left the building.

I had such fond memories of another year done; now, my girls are experiencing the same every year. Last Friday was their last day of school. Our school has some fun traditions. The intermediate school has an awards ceremony and at the end the 5th graders "graduate" by marching out of the gym and shaking the principal's hand on the way out. The teachers line the hall they go down and clap for their success.
The elementary "graduates" the second graders by having them march out of the building to the tune of "Pomp and Circumstance". Parents, students and teachers line the long hallways as the 2nd graders wave goodbye. John and I always count the students crying, so many tears!

Our family always hangs around for the final tradition of our school. The children load up in the bus yard. As the drivers leave the school grounds, the drivers beep their horns wildly as children hang out the widows waving goodbye to the teachers that line the sidewalk happily waving back to the children. As the last bus leaves the yard, a very loud cheer from the teachers can be heard blocks away.

Finally, a new tradition for us is to go reward our children for "A Job Well Done" at our favorite local ice cream shop.
Congratulations kids, another year done!!!!

Some ideas for your Wednesday's Walk if you can not think of one! Make sure you link up & get the button!

Do have any memories of your last days of school?
Do you have any traditions to celebrate the last day of school?

Celebrating the "Last Day of School" is fun and help me....

Get Joy

1 comment:

  1. I bet the whole bus tradition thing is very loud and crazy! I've never heard of a school doing that before. how funny! I need a nice long facebook message from you about everything going on in your life this summer. decisions? plans? are you still coming to see me? :)


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