
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Lessons

My kids just finished swimming lessons this year. It was their Christmas present from Grandpa and Grandma. (Great gift idea isn't it!) They love it so much, well maybe not my little man. He is getting use to it though. My oldest is doing really well; in fact, they want her to join the swim team. Here are some pictures from their last day!
There is my man helping my little man!!! Love it!

Please, link up with your favorite memories. They can be any memory you would like to share; but, if you need help I will give you an idea every week.

Did you take lessons as a kid? Do you take lessons now? Or what fun lessons do your kids take?

Enjoy walking down memory lane! Funny side note, we were walking downtown and went by a workout gym. My girls asked me, "Is that where you go for Wednesday's walk?" Hahahahaha I had to explain to them the saying, "Walk down memory lane"....toooooo cute!!!!

Be blessed and
Get Joy


  1. yes, where is the walk at? :) lol

  2. That was a great gift that grandma gave the kids Christina. I enjoyed swim lessons so much when I was a kid.

    I enjoyed the pictures...such cute smiling faces.

    Happy Wednesday!



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