
Thursday, February 23, 2012

The View From My Camera......Our New City!

My hubby wanted some pictures of our new city we will be calling home.  So, you can imagine my excitement, "You want me to take pictures....Absolutely, Yes!" 
Had to grab this shot.  Love it!

Okay, so read the sign....seriously!  You have got to be kidding me.  We laughed; but it is kind of sad.

One of my favorite shots of the day!

Where we ate our yummy lunch today....thanks Vinny!

Down at the riverfront park.  I stood in the fountain for this one.

St. Boniface, what a beautiful church.

Old Methodist church, this city has some beautiful old churches.

I had a great time with my camera today.  Sadly, I shot in automatic mode; because I didn't have time.  Next time though,  I will practice in manual.  I am still pretty happy with my pictures. I can't wait to o back and get some more!

I love my camera!


  1. Shucks! I had two families cancel. I was in Bay City looking for things to do today...we could have had lunch!

  2. What beautiful pictures. So happy that you love your new city! :)

  3. Point of interest perhaps- you took a picture of St. Boniface Church. The feast day of St. Boniface is June 5. Don't we know someone with a birthday on that day???

    St. Boniface was a missionary. So you and your hubby begin your missionary ministry as well.

    Love you,

  4. I love the part of Michigan you are from and are moving to...I've been to both places. A church camp I went to was in Gladwin many moons ago and that same camp program took me through Bay City just last summer. I told myself Bay City was finally a city I could see myself living in in MI. Loved your photos, but it looks way too cold up there for me. It was 77 degrees in the Atlanta area today.

    1. Actually, we have been having a very warm winter up here. But, I will say I a jealous of 77!

  5. I love those pictures. We were in the Bay City area once, long ago, but we didn't actually go into the city and look around. It looks beautiful!


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