
Monday, February 20, 2012

Just In Case You Did Not Know We Were Crazy!

Just in case you did not know how crazy we really is some proof!

We just started a new job.
We have not received a paycheck yet.
We are trying to sell our house.
We are trying to move to a new town, where we only know one family.
We have a new church.
We have a new direction.
Well,  a new everything!

And then on top of all that, we are going to start HOMESCHOOLING.....say what, WHAT!

Homeschooling my kids is a phrase I never thought I would write or say!  Homeschooling is a a scary word to me.  Not because I think it is a bad thing; but because of my inabilities.   Hey, just being honest here.  Over the last few months our family has prayed, heard from God, and decided that homeschooling is the direction our family needs to go in for right now. 

I felt God tugging on my heart months ago in regards to my children and their schooling.  I began talking to God about it.  I told Him that He would have to really start working on my hubby's heart about it; because John was anti-homeschooling our kids....anti, anti really anti-homeschooling.  I think you get my drift.  I decided to let God do His thing until I felt Him release me to talk to John about it.

When we got to talking about it, seriously, I could not believe how open John was.  But that is just how God is when it is His will.  He works it all out and I am always surprised.  We decided that we wanted the girls to be involved with the decision as well.  The girls are so cool with it.

So, I am scared, nervous, overwhelmed, excited, stressed, lost, insane, curious and so many more emotions about homeschooling.  I know that God has it in His control.  I am just going to take it a step at a time.  Ahhhhhhhhhh we are going to be HOMESCHOOLERS AHHHHHHHHH!  Okay, I had to let that out.  We will be fine....just fine....yes fine.

But now you can also follow our homeschooling adventure here!

September 2012, ready or not here we come!
Crazy.....just CRAZY!

Just for fun....

Upcoming Post.....

1.  Our First Day!
2.  Tweaking Homeschool
3.  Our Home Has A Different Look
4. Homeschooling a preschooler
5. From the Heart of a 10 Year Old
6. School is Out!


  1. We were quite anti-homeschooling before we started homeschooling, too. This is our 7th year of it now, and I wouldn't change a thing! Give yourself (and your kids!) plenty of grace, time to adjust, and the flexibility to define your own styles. You'll do great!!

    Carrie :)

    1. Thanks Carrie, I appreciate any encouragement. The Lord knows I am going to need it!

  2. Hi Christina, love your blog! We are homeschoolers too, though this is my second year. How long have you been at it? It's such a blessings isn't it? I love it! You can check out my personal homeschooling blog. I try to stay up to date with it with my other writing responsibilities. or I am a media writer for them. If you have a mom business I also have Look forward to reading your adventures!


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