
Monday, February 20, 2012

Birthday Week 2012

It was "Birthday Week" at our home! We call it that because my mom's birthday is the 14th, my daughter's is the 17th, and mine is the 19th.  That is a lot of cake normally! 

The February birthday girls!

My parents and my sister came up to our home on Thursday to begin the celebration. 

Most of the day Friday, we were busy getting ready for my daughter's big mystery birthday party.  You can read all about it here.  One of her gifts (from my sister) were some new family members...3 of them and they have not died yet!!!!!!

 On Saturday, my whole family went to see my oldest girl play in her basketball games.  My daughter scored her first basket in a game.  It was so exciting!  What a big deal for all of us!
Gladwin vs. Gladwin game, sooo fun!

Diet Coke Brownies!
We ended Saturday with a wonderful dinner and a small celebration for my mom & dad's birthday (his was in January and we couldn't be with him).  There was a lot of laughing over my dad's present I got him, a spatula.  If you are a Rush Limbaugh fan you probably have heard him play a spoof commercial of Spatula City.  Anyways, I got him a spatula.  We laughed so hard we were in tears; partially because my sweet mom didn't understand the gift and thought there was such a place.  I also made some low cal brownies that half of us liked and the other half hated.  For those who liked them, thank you Pinterest.  I made them using a family size Betty Crocker boxed brownie mix and one can of diet coke.  Yup that is all you need!  Each brownie is about a 100 calories, how awesome is that!  They have a weird texture, sorta pudding like....weird I know. I thought they were fine, my hubby.....well not so much.

My birthday was Sunday.  We went to church then out to dinner.  While we waited for our food, I got to open my presents.  I got some really strange cards.  My sister let the girls pick out a card for her; but, my sister was just suppose to sign it with out reading any of it.  Yeah, so my daughter's picked out the urinal one to be from her.....ewwwww!  They thought that was so funny which inspired my girls to pick out the dog one from them. They know what a germaphobe I am.....they thought they were sooooooo funny.   EWWWWWW!
My hubby's card was the cryptogram!  Once I figured it out, I discovered he is going to buy me some Tom's Shoes, WHOOO HOOO!  I am so excited.

Have you ever heard the story about Lady Godiva? 

My kiddos also got me diet coke and chocolate covered pretzels.  They know me so well.  They have been dying to get me a snuggie....I got one now!  Bwahahahahahaha  We have had some good laughs over it.  My sister is going to bring me something from Israel for my birthday in March  ( I am so excited for her trip).  My parents blessed me with the fabulous gift of Godiva....oh how I love you my sweet chocolate!  Oh, I love you too mom and dad.
During the afternoon, we watched the BBC's, love, love! If the day could not get anymore perfect, it did with my sister's homemade creme brulee!  I could have died and gone to heaven after that awesome dessert!  Oh goodness, nothing tops homemade creme brulee!

All in all, 36 is looking pretty good!  I feel so loved!  Like a dear friend of mine so sweetly stated about her family, I will say about mine...I am so in love with all of my family.  
Now to go clean my house!


  1. Happy belated Birthday! That homemade creme brulee sounds soooo good! I love birthdays!

    1. That you Janet Rose. Birthdays are so much fun!

  2. and I am so in love with you!!! Happy Birthday week to us!! :)

    1. Yes! I love that our birthdays are right next to each perfect! Happy Birthday week to us all!!! : ) Yeah!


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