
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Picture Perfect....Hahahaha!

So, our photo shoot was not perfect; it had some interesting events that took place.  Here we have shorty not happy about smiling for the camera.  It took a lot of convincing to get the smiles we did get out of him. 
After the girls kissed him, shorty did not like that and threw a royal fit.  Thankfully the wonderful people at Stone Cottage Gardens didn't mind.  I think we had about three screaming tantrums...good grief!  Man, such torture! 

One of the bribes was that we would find the kitties at the end if he would smile.  Here he is chasing them.  

Poor cats!

This is one of the last pictures we took.  I wanted him to sit with the girls.  He said, "Boys stand and girls sit!"     Now at our house that has a whole different meaning.   I let you think about that for awhile and then you will understand why my girls are laughing so hard.  He never did sit for the picture.  Bwahahahaha  Apparently, boys don't sit for pictures either.  
Here they are cashing in on their bribe....McDonalds.  Thank goodness for fun, cheap, yummy treats to get smiles out of three kids!

Another photo shoot finished.  They are happy it is over.  And I am happy I have new pictures!
Hey, we even had some laughs out of the deal!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Photo Shoot 2012

It is that time of year again.  So, I got out my camera and took a ton of pictures of my kiddos today!  They did pretty good this year.  However, I did have to bribe them with a McD's treat...especially shorty.  I will blog about my bribe and some of our silly shots tomorrow!  Hahahaha  We managed to get some great photos.  I love fall and the weather was beautiful today.  

My terrific twelve year old.  Can't believe that this kid will be 13 in 7 months! She is doing some pretty amazing things lately.  I will have to blog about those in the future.  Time flies folks! 

My nice nine year old!  She is so fun.  Her spirit is beautiful.  So thankful for this chick!

My fantastic four year old!  What a smarty pants he is.  He keeps me on my toes for sure.  I love this little boy!

I am so thankful every day for these beautiful children God has so richly blessed me with.  Man, they are awesome! good these kids are!

Friday, September 28, 2012


Celebrating my new venture.....

If you place an order with me in the month of October, I will give you 10% off of your total order.

Book with me today, Christmas is quickly approaching!

Also, be on the look out for my daughter's duct tape art, purses & jewelry in the month of November.  She is trying to raise money for Speed the Light!


My Home Has A Different Look!

The look of homeschooling!!!  It is neat seeing how things have changed around here.  Little things and big things can be found around my house that say, "We are homeschoolers!"  Whoo HOO!
Homework galore and science projects taking over my kitchen.
Mounted grass and and art work are engulfing my refrigerator.

There has been an invasion of captured live bugs and frozen bugs...eeek!

Children in trees doing their class work.
Schedules, big words, paperwork, quizzes, tests, the smell of school supplies and books have permeated my home....and I like it!

Who would have thought?!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In His Image Pencil Portraits by Christina

It is official, I started my own business yesterday!  God has been gently talking with me about the gifts He has given to me.  Finally after many years, I feel that God is wanting me to use my hands to create some art.  Sometimes, God has us go in unexpected directions in our lives and I believe this is a door He wants me to walk through.  So joyfully without further new business....

And come "like" me on facebook!

Please, stop by and check it out.  Keep it in your favorites.  Remember that Christmas is just around the corner.  A pencil portrait is a great gift idea for that "hard to buy for" or "they have everything" person.  Or maybe it is hard to get all the grandkids together for a group shot because of miles this could be a great solution.  

Always remember that we are all beautifully created "In His Image" and....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Photo Shoot - Fortier Family

I had a great time taking pictures of this fantastic family. When I walked in their home, I was immediately surrounded by all these tall guys. I knew that this family was going to be fun. The boys were so nice and really wanted to make their mom happy by giving her some precious family photos.
These are some manly guys!

My favorite of the day!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Hobbit Day!

The kitchen was decorated!
I am a big J.R.R. Tolkien fan. I have read the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.  In fact when I was a little girl, my dad read The Hobbit to my sister and I.  Yesterday, we joined with others celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the first publication of The Hobbit and of course today is Hobbit Day!
We celebrated by having Second Breakfast.  Hobbits if they are lucky eat many times during the day.  Today, to celebrate we are going barefoot and eat all day (not really but it sounds wonderful).  Hobbits have no need of shoes.  Hahahaha

I even used my Hobnail pieces.
The food was prepared.  We had scones with lemon curd, meat and cheese plate, crusty bread with jelly, and a fruit salad.  Yummy!

I went outside and picked the last of my flowers and herbs for a rustic centerpiece.  We love candles around here.  They are always fighting over who gets to blow them out when we are done.  My kids were so excited.  I made them wait in their room until 11am. 

At 11am sharp, we called my sister and parents and wished them a, "Happy Hobbit Day!"  The Hobbit holds a special place in my heart; because my dad read it to us as kids.  My beautiful sister planned a second breakfast with them yesterday as well.   Here are some pictures from their meal.

Does not her spread look absolutely splendid?!

During breakfast, we talked in British and Elvish accents. I also read the beginning of the Hobbit. Unlike Bilbo Baggins, we do not think adventures are nasty things....rather we think adventures are wonderful.

Hobbits, Dwarfs and Gandalf make for fun adventures.  And second breakfast with my girls help me....


Now if I only had invited the dwarfs to come...then they would have helped clean up the dishes.