
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Picture Perfect....Hahahaha!

So, our photo shoot was not perfect; it had some interesting events that took place.  Here we have shorty not happy about smiling for the camera.  It took a lot of convincing to get the smiles we did get out of him. 
After the girls kissed him, shorty did not like that and threw a royal fit.  Thankfully the wonderful people at Stone Cottage Gardens didn't mind.  I think we had about three screaming tantrums...good grief!  Man, such torture! 

One of the bribes was that we would find the kitties at the end if he would smile.  Here he is chasing them.  

Poor cats!

This is one of the last pictures we took.  I wanted him to sit with the girls.  He said, "Boys stand and girls sit!"     Now at our house that has a whole different meaning.   I let you think about that for awhile and then you will understand why my girls are laughing so hard.  He never did sit for the picture.  Bwahahahaha  Apparently, boys don't sit for pictures either.  
Here they are cashing in on their bribe....McDonalds.  Thank goodness for fun, cheap, yummy treats to get smiles out of three kids!

Another photo shoot finished.  They are happy it is over.  And I am happy I have new pictures!
Hey, we even had some laughs out of the deal!

1 comment:

  1. yes, during a photo shoot you gets lots of other fun pics as well! lol loved them!! :)


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