
Thursday, October 4, 2012

1, 2, Buckle My Shoe!

Don't you just love the old red desk?!
Did I mention that I am also homeschooling a preschooler?  I may have gone mad!!! LOL Just kidding.  Actually, something very exciting has been happening with my little four year old.  Before we started the school season, I could not get that boy to color or write.  He would not even try.  He would say, "NO, You do it!"

Surprisingly, I have been able to get him to do both.  It has been fun to see him really grow in his writing and coloring abilities.  I could not be more proud of shorty.  It has been rewarding to be personally involved with his learning process.  

He is too cute!  Everyday, he asks, more like begs to do school.  How fun is that?!  I am so glad that he is enjoying his learning.   

Do you see his "H" he did all by himself?
We have a very simple schedule that starts when we want to start, when I have a break in my time, or he has bugged me enough to get started.   hahahaha  Here is our schedule.... 
  • Do "The Day"
  • Work pages
  • Table Time
  • Book Time 

During "The Day"  we talk about what day it is.  We talk about the weather and seasons.  Shorty has an "About Me" page that has his name, birthday, age, and favorite color on it along with a picture of him.  We also go through the alphabet, count to 100 or 150.  Colors and shapes are also a part of our routine.  

He likes doing it so much that he goes through them all on his own now.  In fact, yesterday he was doing "The Day" for our dog.  I made all of "The Day" posters on card stock.  I will probably add some more in the future.  I used scotch tape strips on some so I could move the arrow or star each day easily without tearing the paper.  

I purchased a preschool work book from Walmart.  We are working through that right now.  It seems to be perfect for him.  We work on a letter and number each day.  We also do mazes, groupings, find objects, and a few other pages.  I figure we will be through it by December and I will go pick up another one.  

Table time consists of puzzles, blocks, projects, play dough, legos, or anything "special" (as he calls it) to do.  Yesterday, we did puzzles.  I pick what he does or we would be doing play dough every day...Messy!   I love my wood puzzles.  I have a bin of them and they are fun to pull out every once and awhile.  Yeah, there are toys that I keep put away for special times.  If I didn't do this all the pieces would be missing.  Hey, I know my kids and "how well" they take care of their things on their own.  Hahahaha      

We do not do preschool everyday.  Our lives have been a little nutty lately.  We probably get four days in and it seems to being working out perfectly.  I would like to tweak some things like praying before we start.  I keep forgetting that.  I also want to incorporate some singing time.  I have not been good about book time.  I want to challenge myself to read to him each time we do school.  I would also like to work on doing some more fun projects with him...Pinterest here I come.  We are definitely a work in progress.  

I am finding that homeschooling a preschooler is a joy!


1 comment:

  1. Christina, I love what your doing with your little man. Connor is with me at my office 1 or 2 days a week and I've thought about doing a workbook with him during my office time. I also downloaded some preschool apps (free of course) on my Kindle that he enjoys doing. I watch him and I'm amazed at how much he know already. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I'm so glad we can stay connected. I still remember when I Bailey was a newborn and you brought dinner for us. You two were such a support for us then. :)


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