
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Perfect Fall Day

Can I tell you what a picture perfect fall day it was today in northern Michigan?!
So perfect that we took the day to clean out the garage.  That lead to me checking our tents and making sure all four of our tents were neatly organized and put away.  We got a few out for fun!  The girls hair go a little static-e ...I had to grab some pictures.  

 We then drove over to our wonderful apple orchard to get some cider and apple cider glazed doughnuts.  They were so good and yummy.  It was a busy place to be at; but it was even more fun seeing my friend Angie and her family.What a good surprise to see them. We talked and filled our tummies with all that yummy goodness. 

 There were some fun old cars at the orchard.  I had to grab a picture of this car.  It was just too wonderful!  Don't you just love this car!

I decorated our front door,  I just love fall decorations.  I thought the football was a fun idea!  
Fall is my favorite season and I enjoyed every minute of it today!  Can't you tell?!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos! The cider and doughnuts sound so good...makes me want to visit my friend in MI just so I can have some! :)


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