
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Football and Thanksgiving

Catches almost made!
My husband's family have a yearly family and friends football game every Thanksgiving.  I mean EVERY Thanksgiving.  John has never missed one since he started playing as a small boy.  This year one of children joined in on this time honored tradition.  For the first time ever in our sixteen years of marriage, I went along to watch.  Of course I took pictures!  It may or may not have been to make sure they treated my girl right.  Watch out for the mama bear on the sidelines.
Plays were made!
It was a blast watching them have a great family time together!

Fatherly instruction!

I had so much fun seeing such great teamwork and sportsmanship.  

I just love some of the shots I was able to get of my family.  I will cherish them forever.  We don't get to see them much, some a few times a year and sometimes only once.  But, I love how we can come together and have such a great time.  And of course 70 year old grandpa still can't resist getting into the game!  Love it....just love it!

Awesome catches!

Another one of my favorite shots.  I love all their faces.  

Look at my girl go!  Whoo HOO!
She did in fact give those boys a run for their money!
She knows how to play defense!
The catch of the day!  MVP?!

Once the game was done it was time to shower and get ready for some serious eating.  Grandma has a huge menu:  Two turkeys, stuffing, mashed potatoes, ruddy, sweet potato casserole (Thanks to sweet Aunt Joni), two kinds of rolls, corn, bean, celery sticks, applesauce, fruit salad, mandarin orange jello (Thanks to Aunt Jennifer usually but this year Aunt Janet), and usually at least 3-4 different kinds of pies pumpkin, apple, banana, and this year cherry.  I supply the apple pies!  And let's not forget our tradition of watching our favorite team the LIONS lose again.  I don't think it would be quite the same if they won. LOL  Thanks Lions for keeping real every Thanksgiving.  Bwahahahaha

So, many reasons to be thankful this year, did you read my post matter what I matter our circumstances!!!

Thank you Lord for all that you have done for us.  Thank You for loving us so much that You sent your only Son to die for us, so that we can have eternal life when we believe in You.  Thank You for keeping your promises, you are truly a caring Father.  Thank You for loving us when we fail.  Thank You for picking us up and setting us back on our feet.  Thank You for second chances.  Thank Your for your abundant forgiveness, mercy and grace. Thank You for Your joy that You give and how it strengthens us.

Thank You that You are in every detail of our lives and working all things out for Your good.  Thank You that You bend down to hear us.  Thank You for providing everything that we need...not what we want.  Thank You for not leaving us with out help, the Holy Spirit.   Thank You for answering our prayers and our cry for help.  Thank You for redeeming us and healing relationships.  Thank You for healing our brokenness, our hearts, our bodies, and our minds. Thank You for the family and friends that You give us who love us, care for us, pray for us, and encourage us.  And may we in love return a life that reflects You and worships you with every fiber in our being!  May we love you and love others. In the beautiful, sweet name of Jesus....Amen!

And of course the night ended with pie and conversation about the Zombie Apocalypse! Perfection!
So THANKFUL for wonderful family and fun traditions!
 I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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