
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gingerbread Crazy!

We have been doing gingerbread houses every Christmas since my oldest was little.  We missed last year so I had to make it up to them big time this year.  This year I handed over the frosting and let them decorate the house on their own.  I helped a little with my 9 year old...but then I left them to their creative devices.  Their goal.....TO USE EVERY PIECE OF CANDY I GAVE THEM!
They really did a great job on the house and it kept them busy for quite some time.  It got messy; but, I am good with messy.  Hey, their old enough to help clean it up too.  
Man, making these houses is a lot of work.  I started in the morning making the pieces.  Then it took me probably 45min to put it together and then it was time for the girls to decorate it.  They got the fun part!  
He wanted nothing to do with the work part...He just wanted the candy.  Smart boy!
Here is the finished back!  Yes, they used a lot of candy!  Better on the house than in their tummies, I guess?!
Here is the front!  Too cute Huh?!!!  It is huge and heavy!

Here is the grand finale.....I made a stain glass window for each girl outta jolly was pretty cool  glowing in the dark kitchen.  

Every piece of candy used... SUCCESS!
Messy kitchen...Absolutley
Gingerbread crazy...Sugar Coma!

Here is another post about gingerbread houses....
12 days of Christmas - 9 Kinds of Candy!

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