
Monday, January 7, 2013

I Do Not Almost Have A Teenager....Nope NOT Me!

Wow, I have not done a "Not Me" in awhile.  Linking up with my friend Jenilee today and her "Not Me".  As Jen writes...
"This is just where you exclaim, "I DID NOT just do that!" and write about it."
Or in my case...lie in every sentence you are about to read.  LOL!

Over the  weekend, I did not realize what was happening to my daughter.

She is not going to be a teenager in 4 months...not my daughter who promised to stay little forever.  She would not lie to me.

She would not look so grown up at her Teen Bible Quiz meet.
She would not decided to join Teen Bible Quiz all on her own.  She would not be amazing at it.  She would never join because of a boy.  She would not memorize a ton of scripture.  She would not be so competitive that she would say, " I want to crush those boys!"

She would not do amazing things like contest judges so politely or quiz out (which is get 5 questions right in a match and get bonus points).

She would not like talking to the boys A LOT....oh no she would not, could not.  We have a deal!  That does not happen until she is 30.

I would not long for her attention that was everywhere else than with her mommy.  And I would not do weird things like try to sit next to her, randomly hug her, try to get in on her conversations, and be jealous that she did not want to have her mom around obviously...not this understanding, cool mom.  

I would not be overly proud of her, that at the quiz meet you can hear me very loudly praising her...nope not me.

She would not also have her first real babysitting job over the weekend and make way more money than I ever did....not my daughter. 

She would not volunteer to help with the kids at church...not my girl.

I would not be sad that my daughter is growing up.......booo hoooo whaaaaaaaaa not me!

I would not whine about it to the whole world...nope not me!

I would not be so amazed about the beautiful young lady she has become....Nope certainly not ME!  Not this Mama!
I would most certainly not want the next 4 months to go in slow motion, while she is counting down the days....nope not me.  

And she would not help me....
Not ever!  LOL  

Ooh and here is a bonus "Not Me!"  I would not love Duck Dynasty so much that I would do this to my hubby and post it everywhere.  Hahahahaha NOT ME!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! Yeah Rachel!!!! And I remember getting the call while I was at work that she was BORN!!! :) Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!


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