
Monday, December 31, 2012

God's Goodness 2012

God has been good to us even if it has been a rough year.  I choose to thank God for His blessings and His deep love.  In life's darkness the light of Christ shines and gives us hope.  May God show you all that He has done for you today.

It was fun watching my daughter play for her school and my hubby coach her team.  We had a great season.
B-Ball Season
Birthday week happens in the month of February.  We had a great mystery birthday party for my nine year old.  Then we celebrated my mother's birthday and finished it with a wonderful birthday celebration for me.
I am truly blessed with this beautiful girl.  She is amazing!
A Mystery Birthday Party
Birthday Week
Of course we raced our fabulous cars in the pinewood derby.  Here is a picture of our family race!
Shake It All About
Racers Start Your Engines
This was a very interesting month, It started with my oldest having an emergency appendectomy and ended with a spectacular 12th birthday party.  Love this girl so much.  She is growing so fast.
Colored Eggs
A Hospital Easter
A Tween Party!

Mother's day started with my father going into the hospital suffering from a stroke.  He ended staying in the hospital until the end of June.  Our job changed...a lot changed this month.  But in the end, it was all a part of God's plan to bring healing and to show His love in all our lives.
A Very Happy Mother's Day
As Long As He Gives Me Breath 

We celebrated John's birthday up at his parents cabin.  We celebrated Father's day with our dads. Had picnics, played tennis, and just plain enjoyed being together as a family.  We also went on a lovely trip to Harbor Springs to visit my cousin.
A HopeFull Father's Day
Tennis Anyone?
It's a Picnic Day

Michigan Farms
A Beautiful Island
Lovely Lakes
A Happy Harbor
A lot of celebrating happened in July, my dad home from the hospital, the fourth of July, my father-in-law's 70th birthday, and our 16th wedding anniversary.  Hey, the kids also went to kids camp.  What a great month.
Grandpa's Home
Happy 4th
Someone Turned 70

The girl's took a road trip to the U.P with my sister.  What an awesome getaway?!  We saw the beauty of God around every corner.  The earth is His beautiful art for us to enjoy.  My dad also retired this month.
The Countdown is Over
What a day in Grand Marais
Yes Please, Tahquamenon Falls
The Amazing Pictured Rocks 
My little superhero turned 4 and what a great party we had for him.  This little man is my joy.  We also started the new adventure of homeschooling.  We also celebrated Hobbit fun!
We Are Homeschooling Now
My Little Superhero
Happy Hobbit Day
This month brings my favorite season.  It was full of yummy doughnuts,  sweet cider, cool weather, and fabulous leaves.  Ooh and we sold our house and moved this month.  October was full of miracles for our family and His hand upon us.
Perfect Fall Day
Move In
The holiday season is in full swing come November.  Pies to be made. Shopping list to be crossed off.  Decorations to be hung, and of course football to be played.  We celebrated my sister's birthday and had Thanksgiving at John's parent.  What a wonderful month.
Ooo and how can I forget that my dearest friend and my sister announced their big missionary news.
Jenilee and her family are now nationally appoint missionaries to Senegal, Africa.
and my sister will be taking a year long missions trip, 11 months...11 countries in 2013.
Goodwin Journey to Africa
Around the World
Christmassy Birthday
Football and Thanksgiving
We end the year with a fabulous month long time of remembering Christ coming to redeem us.  We have had such wonderful moments with family and friends.  My nine year old and I participated in our church's 5 concert performances.  We enjoyed Christmas day with my family and closed the year out with John's family.   My hubby also had an answer to prayer this month...a job.

Brown Paper Lunches
Books, Cupcakes, and Ducks
Christmas Downtown
Gingerbread Crazy
Sing Noel
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

God has lead us on a journey we did not expect this year.  God never promises an easy life. In the midst of great trials, one thing remains true...Emmanuel, God with us rang more truer than ever.  He hears us. He loves us. He forgives us. He redeems us.  He provides for us.  He heals us.  He changes us.  He strengthens us.  He directs us.  He cares about every detail of our lives. He gives us wisdom.  He comforts us.  He fails us not.  He is all we ever need....and that I have absolutely no doubts about.

And then He gives us more joy and hope than we can possibly contain.

Romans 15:13

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.


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