When my dad turned 64 he began a countdown to his first social security check. Seriously, he would call me up and say something like, "249 days, Christina". I think it was that old Beatles song that started it all...
"Send me a postcard, drop me a line stating point of view
precisely what you mean to say, yours sincerely wasting away
Give me your
answer, fill in a form, mine forever more
Will you still need me, will you
still feed me when I'm sixty-four?"
Then recently, he was offered early retirement from HP and the countdown changed to that. If you know my dad, he is a numbers kind of guy. So, we would have a good chuckle at his countdown endeavor.
Today is my dad's official day of retirement! Whoo HOO! And after all he has been through these past three months....well he deserves a break a nice looooooonnnnnggg break.
Yesterday, we celebrated retirement eve! HP had a wonderful party for all their employees that took early retirement. My dad was really happy to be a part of the festivities. They really honored the people that made HP the company that it is. Thank you HP for doing that!

Then our family all went out for a Happy Retirement dinner at Logans. See we will still feed you! What a great time to be together as a family. We are blessed! God is doing some really amazing things in all of us. I am looking forward to what He is going to do on this new journey. I think we will all be amazed at God's goodness. I think my dad is peacefully accepting this new path.
Now don't get me wrong, he loved his work. He loves his fellow co-workers and he misses them (Special thanks to his bosses and friends at HP who sent cards, prayers, visited, and said words of encouragement after his stroke. Your concern and care really meant so much to him and to us). Hey, he loves being the computer smarty pants. I don't think that will ever change. In his heart I know he is going to miss his old life. But God's ways are not our ways...are they? God has him on a new path...a new life...and He has something so much better for him just around the corner!
Today, we honor you dad and all your hard work. Your dedication to your job provided for us in so many countless ways. Thank you and we are so proud of all your accomplishments. We love you! And we still need you when your 64!
Congratulations DAD!
Update: He is doing well. His speech has improved so much. If you want to give him a call...he would love it. In therapy they are starting to have him practice walking with a cane. We are thrilled about this, we didn't think that is what he would be able to use. We are so impressed with what intensive therapy can accomplish. He is determined to walk and we are cheering him on! We have some plans in the works for a friends & family retirement party for him in the future...I will keep you posted!
Happy Retirement, Christina's dad!! :)