
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday's Walk - Tuesday Night Dinners

John and I started to do something fun with our kids.  We decided a few months ago to take a kid out once a month on the second Tuesday of the month.  John and I rotate and we rotate the kids.  It has been really fun spending one on one time with each kid, talking about important things and not so important things.  It has been a blast.  Here is last night dinner with my oldest...

She wanted Chinese and she wanted to try some new things.  This is my kinda girl!
We placed our order: egg drop soup, egg rolls, crab ragoon, sweet and sour chicken, almond chicken, Chinese doughnuts, and fortune cookies.

So much food!
And of course we had some fun and really weird fortunes.

Don't you think those were weird???

And then we went shopping at one of our favorite stores, Michael's.
Spending time with my kids is so wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. OH, I SOOO had an important conversation all about you that day! lol just kidding. yeah, those are weird. :) I miss our chinese dates!


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