
Thursday, January 10, 2013

What You Didn't Know...

Linking up with my friend, Jenilee!

My favorite book right now is...
I finished up the Hobbit recently and it has always been a favorite.

My favorite pinterest board is..
Ooo do I have to pick just one?  Maybe "Favorite Party Ideas".

My favorite app is...

Word Search

My favorite hot drink is...
Hot Cocoa

My favorite restaurant is...
Cracker Barrel

My favorite blog post is...
I like my "Twelve Days of Christmas".

My favorite time of day is...

Devotion time

My favorite way to relax is...
Sitting in our massage chair.

My favorite season is...

My favorite vacation spot is...
Some tropical place or Disney World.  

So did you know all that??? LOL


  1. I love your answers with pictures!! I did not take the time to do all of that. Just some links today lol thanks for linking up!!!

  2. I just ordered Jesus Calling from Amazon today. I can't wait to get some personal devotion time in my day. I have been doing it with the kids, but I haven't found one for me yet. Off to read some more of your blog... Have a great day!

  3. Oh I absolutely love how you wrote up this post. Such a fun way to get to know you!

  4. Amazing how we can all like such a variety of different things. That's God's world, huh! Nice to meet you and get to know you ♥


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