
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From the Heart of a 10 Year Old!

My daughter was not prompted by me to write this letter.  She was just told by her teacher to write a formal letter to the President. 
Here is what came from her 10 year old heart...

If only those who called themselves Christ followers would stand firm in their belief system; yet treat those who differ with respect and compassion. May we truly honor Christ with our words, our actions, and deep devotion to Him.  May we be slow to anger!  May we guard our tongues!  May we let our light so shine before men.  May we learn from our love as Jesus loves.  May we lift up our President in prayer and ask God to lead him and draw him to Himself.  God alone sees the big picture.  He is not surprised by our choices or our words.  He alone is in control!  Let us not forget that!  Let us completely learn how to trust that truth!  

May we remember that we do have a beautiful country and that we are truly blessed.  May we not forget to lift her up in prayer.  Today, we have the freedom to do do not take that for granted!  Remember, God can always do more than we can even takes us falling to our knees to see it happen!

God bless our country and help us be mindful that You are still in control!
Help me be a light that shines like the stars!

On a side note...Isn't my daughter's handwriting just lovely?!  She has been working on it so hard this year.  Loving homeschooling!

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