
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hippity Hoppity Happy Easter Time!

We love this time of year. In fact, Easter is my oldest daughters favorite holiday.  We always have a fun time coloring our Easter eggs.  Here is my little guy patiently waiting for his egg to dye.  What color will it be???
She was so excited...each egg was a precious piece of art that we will probably smash today.  LOL
Such a sweet and precious time with my kids!
It was fun to see him be so careful and be so excited!
Here are our beautiful creations.  Thanks sharpie for the added fun this year!
My henna inspired eggs.  I had so much fun doing henna on our arms and legs one summer in Ludington.  I thought why not do it on eggs?! I think they turned out so fun!
Here is the back of the eggs. 
This year I bought some dollar baskets and dressed them up.  I used scrap material for around the edges and braided the handles.  They turned out really cute and they were pretty inexpensive.  
The dollar store had some fun nail glitter and Michaels had their dollar spot 50% off so I got the lip gloss cupcake, rose bath soaps for a buck.  I got the giant clothes pin their for a dollar too.  I made them necklaces this year at a paint your own pottery place. They were about $5.00 to make.  They turned out so cute.  
This year I decided to do something fun for my kids.  I used hollowed out eggs, dyed them, filled them with confetti, placed a rolled up message inside, and sealed the hole with tissue paper.  They got to smash them this morning and read their little love notes.  (just make sure your egg is very dry inside before filling them. LOL) That was fun!  My husband was too cute.  He could not figure out how I filled them.  
Here they are after they found their hidden baskets. His was in the wood chest next to him.
Hers was in the front closet under a scarf.
I hid hers in our paper shredder.  That took awhile to find. Bwahahahahahaha!
Have a happy and blessed Resurrection Sunday!  May you know how much Christ loves you and cares for you.  May He fill your hearts to overflowing.  

For the Lord your God is LIVING among you.
    He is a mighty Savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
    With his love, he will calm all your fears.
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. 
~Zephaniah 3:17


Now I have to go clean up smashed egg shells and confetti!  

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