
Friday, November 1, 2013

Bump, Set, Spike, Ace!

What does a mama do when her daughters join the volleyball team?  She learns very quickly what the game is about so she can cheer correctly at her girls games.  I realized I knew nothing about volleyball....I am still learning.  

Have I told you my daughters played on the same you realize how much I loved that!!!  I loved it for soooooo many reasons.  

She was really able to get serving down rather quickly.  I am so proud of her!
Both of my girls have such great attitudes when they play.  When the make mistakes they learn and work harder.  

Coach Bob poured so much into them and really gave them some great chances to grow as athletes and team players.
Look at that girl serve!  That is my daughter...Whoo HOO!

Daddy loved cheering them on...shorty just loved the concessions!!! Ah hahahahahaha!
Can I tell you how much I love this!  So much!
Seeing my girls work as a team helps me...

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