
Friday, November 1, 2013

Lord of the Kings Kids Camp 2013

I was looking over this years photos and realized that I didn't post about kids camp this year!  I couldn't believe it since it was one of my favorite highlights of the summer.  Here are some beautiful pictures taken by Captured Photography
My family loves camp!

My whole family was able to be a part of camp this year.  Here is the staff's kids who were able to come but to young to be campers.  They had such a great time!   

Of course camp is not complete unless there is a lot of swimming going on... and boy was there a lot of great swimming time.  Isn't my little guy just too cute for words!!!!

I was able to work in the craft barn.  And if you haven't figured it out that is heaven on earth for me.
I loved, loved, loved it!
And of course what is camp without random weird group games!

The services were so amazing but I believe they were because we bathed them in prayer.  We prayed for the kids, workers, the speaker, kitchen staff, nursing name it we prayed over it.  

The speaker this year was so great and totally connected with the kids and the adults as well!  So Awesome.

I love our times just worshiping Jesus in that big old barn.  You can just feel His warm presence.  And seeing those kiddos just love Him back makes a heart so happy.  
Our hearts long for camp time.  There is just something that happens that is so special at camp.  
Camp is Joy!

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