Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - Before the Frost Comes

This summer I got to take some pretty amazing pictures with my new camera. I love flowers because to me they are God's finishing touches on this earth He created for us. I love to remember flowers, I have many memories attached to flowers....

February birthday week flowers!June flowers in my garden.
July flowers with my family.
August flowers on vacation.
September flowers from a friend.

Flowers are the music of the ground
From earth's lips spoken without sound.

I love all the wonderful memories that go with each of these flowers.
Enjoying God's beautiful creation always helps me....


Need some ideas for Wednesday's Walk?
1. Is there a flower that holds a special memory for you?
2. What are some stories about flowers or nature you have?

In my flower garden are pretty flowers all in a row!

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Vote for me, For V.P!

My daughter's speech today!

Hi, I am running for vice president of the sixth grade class. I would love it if you gave me the opportunity to serve and represent our class. I would make a good vice president for the following three reasons: I am very creative; I am a good worker; I am also very friendly and will be able to work well with a team.

The first reason that you should vote for me is that I am very creative. That means I would be very helpful when it comes to designing and decorating for our events. This also helps me to come up with creative ideas or more efficient ways to get things done. I could make things more interesting for our grade.

Second, I am also a good worker. I have a proven track record of getting my work done well and on time. I would be able to do any tasks the president gives me to do. I was recently awarded the honor of Honor Star in girls ministries at my church. This took a lot of work over the course of several years. I am able to stick to a project even if it takes a long time and a lot of hard work.

Third, I am also very friendly to other people. So I would be great and fun to work with. I get along well with everybody and would be able to work as part of a team. I’m very outgoing and not afraid to try new things.

I look forward to having the opportunity to serve our class as vice president. I hope that you will vote for me. Remember I am a very creative person. I am not afraid of a little hard work. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. I will also work with the team and be supportive of others in an effort to be the best class council we can be. I hope I can count on you to vote for me for vice president of the sixth grade. Thank you.

Any of you Cosby show fans??? Do you remember the episode when Clare is out of town and Bill helps Rudy with her homework? Do you remember when the teacher calls him in and explains how to "Help" his daughter do her homework...not do her homework? Hahahahahaha that is what happened in our house with this speech. My daughter did not know what her proven track record was until he explained it to her. Hahahahahahaha

Good thing she has a great campaign manager - ME!

A great speech writer - DAD (everybody's speech was like 20 seconds, her's 2min)

And nobody running against her!!!! A SURE VICTORY! WHOO HOO!

A new V.P. in the house....


OK Pray!

I spent most of yesterday at Mott's Children's Hospital. One of my 2nd grade girls from church was having major hip surgery. Yes, that is right hip surgery for a 2nd grader!!!!

After trying to find a parking spot and then finding her family, I was brought into the pre-op room. Mom and dad spent most of the time answering questions and asking questions. I knelt down and colored with her the best butterfly ever!

At one point, they had to mark her leg so that there would be no mistake on what side of her hip to work on. She wasn't too happy about that. I told her sometimes I write on my hand. She looked at me and asked why? I told her, "I write on my hand so I don't forget stuff and sometimes I will have a huge list on my can be pretty funny. "

I then without thinking grabbed a marker and wrote the word, "Pray" on my hand. I told her that I would remember to pray for her during surgery. Without anybody's prompting, she grabbed the blue marker and wrote "OK" on my hand.

Shortly after, they put her in a red wagon, we prayed together and she rode off to surgery. In the waiting room, I brought my crochet project and began working on it. Every time I saw my hand I would pray.

I John 5
14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.
15 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.

"OK, Pray!" What a simple but profound statement that was to me in that moment in the pre-op area. Instead of worrying, instead of pacing, instead of fretting I was reminded to just "OK, Pray"! So many times we forget that we can go to the very throne of God and tell Him our needs. The God of the universe hears us. He is not far off. He longs to have communication with us we just have to start talking.

"Ok, Pray!" and ...

Please keep her in your prayers! The surgery was very successful and quick (2 1/2 hours, we were told four)...just what I asked for in prayer. However, she now is in a cast from her belly button down to her right ankle on one side and down to her knee on the left. She will be in bed for the next six weeks, homeschooling and getting bored. This is tough stuff for a second grader.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday's Walk- Kid's Night

So, I don't post a lot of stuff about our church...I am going to fix that right now. We just had a Kid's Night not to long ago. We had a great time and I had the opportunity to share Christ with the kids and parents.

We did a bunch of fun things like playing Gigantic Twister,

sliding down the Awesome Inflatable,

eating lots of hot dogs,

and riding the too Cute Horses!

Wednesday's Walk ideas if you are all out...
Do you have any memories of a church event?
Do you have any memories of a person at church that was special to you?

I love our church and our people who go there. We are blessed and they help me....

Here is the church, Here is the steeple, Open the doors and see all the people....and don't forget to link up!

1. Jenilee  

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - One is Silver and the Other Gold.

When I was little girl there was this song in Girls Scouts that I learned.....
Make new friends
but keep the old.
One is silver and the other Gold.

I got to see my best friend from High School on Monday. I have not seen her in 17 years. Yikes, there is a lot to catch up on in an hour and a half during breakfast.

But, you know those people that you can go for years not seeing and when you get together you can pick up right where you left off. I felt like that with my dear friend Alanna. I had such a wonderful time talking about our hubbies, children, parents, jobs and a bunch more. It was a great time.

There was a few moments that I got really sad; because I wished we could have these moments all the time. After a few tears shed on the way home, I thanked God that this life is but a moment and I someday in heaven I can spend all the time I want with her and miles won't keep us apart. It made me smile.

Thank you Lord for the beautiful friends you bring into our lives, who make this journey sweeter.

Ideas for Wednesday's Walk if you can't think of any....
Do you have stories of reunions with old friends?
What is your favorite BFF story?

Precious, cherished Friendships always help me...

If you love your BFF link up!

1. Jenilee  2. Joni  

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday's Walk - My Star!

Tonight, my daughter became an Honor Star. In our church it is kind of a confirmation in a way if you are not familiar with the Assemblies of God. She worked really hard to receive various honors, medals and crown. She had to memorize verses, earn badges, read the New Testament and a ton of extra stuff.

She was so excited and we are so proud of her. (By the way, I did her hair with the help of my sister. I went on youtube and learned how to do the updo.) She was so cute tonight.

My daughter gives me joy.

Twinkle, twinkle little star!

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School 2011

So, my kids are a riot! The first day of school they get up with no complaining, no crying problem. They get dressed without me begging. They brush their teeth without my prompting. We don't rush around looking for lost shoes. They are ready to go 15 minutes early. I could stay in bed and they would get there on their own if they could drive.

But when the 2nd day of school happens it all goes away. Back to school ....Back to reality!

I will....

Some cute and funny things...
My 3 year old son slept through all of the getting ready for school this morning. When he woke up he went in the girls room and said, "Girls, get up....1, 2, 3! That is usually what I have to say to them on the second day of school until the last. Then I had to tell them they were already gone. He had to investigate their beds to make sure. Hahahahahahaha

While I was taking pictures of the girls, my new Jr. Higher starts singing, "Is this the little girl I carried.......Sunrise, Sunset." My hubby asks, "Is she singing what I think she is singing?" And then we all busted out laughing. I think...nope, I know....she was making fun of us. Hummmmmm! I have a JR. Higher on my hands....Lord, help me!