I would never do a "Not Me Monday" on a Tuesday and break the rules...I would never do that!
I would not sign up my kids for swimming lessons with 2 out of 3 kids not wanting them.... Nope not me.
My hubby would not think it was crazy to sign a toddler up for swimming lessons. And I would not then make him do the first lesson with him. No I would never do that to MY husband.
My baby would not scream the whole 30 minutes of his first lesson (poor daddy, what a guy to endure it). My son doesn't fear the water at all....not my child.
Last nights lesson would not be more of the same, except he was with me this time in the water. I would not feel like an idiot during the whole thing; because I didn't know what was going on and I couldn't hear the teacher because of the SCREAMING....not me at all.
My son did not master the art of getting out the pool!!!! Nope not HIM!
I would not be so wrapped up in getting him to calm down that I didn't realize where I was. I would not then back into the pool wall where I crushed another mom and her baby....no not me.
The teacher would not stop a portion of the lesson, yell out that we were doing it wrong, yell out that we were going to do it right and I would not be the reason we where doing it wrong, Yikes! That would just be terrible and I would not have anything to do with it....not me!
At the end of the lesson we would not have to dunk our precious children under the water. I would not cringe at the thought. I would not let the teacher do it twice. And I would most certainly not tell the teacher, "Might as well, He is crying anyway!" I would not see the look of pleasure the teacher had as she submerged my child under the water. What a terrible mother that would be....hehehehehe...Not me!
And none of those parents will be happy we are not there next Monday because of District Council....Nope not them.
I would not then ask my son, "Do you like swimming?" He would then not shake his head no several times....Nope not my son!

Swimming Lesson....not so sure they help me....
maybe more of a headache. LOL
(He actually did better this week...He only cried half of the time. Hey, I think we are improving. He even smiled, participated and played during class...baby steps, literally baby steps!)
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.