
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A New Adventure

There is a lot going on around our home the past few months. I am so excited to now be able to share with my friends, family and bloggers the new adventure we have begun. John and I have been approved to start a new church in Bay City, Whoo HOOO! Whew, it is so good to finally be able to write that! We have not made that public knowledge for so long. It is nice to be able to say it freely.
We actually began moving in the direction of planting a church (Christian way of saying we are starting a new church) quite a few years ago. We felt that this was the next thing for us, after being in youth ministry for 15 years. (Wow, 15 years in youth ministry that is so crazy….that it has been that long. That’s a lot of pizza. LOL) Over the last few years, God has really defined for us this new direction He is leading us in.
The timeline is that we hope to be in our new home this summer; but, there is a lot to be done before we make the big move. Our current church is partnering with us and will be a part of “sending” us. The Assemblies of God has approved us to take on this new venture. We have asked for their assistance and there are a few things we must accomplish over the next 6 months or so to be ready for Bay City. Some of those things are:
  • Raising over $30,000 dollars
  • Go to more training
  • Come up with a game plan to involve local Assembly of God churches to be a part of this awesome opportunity to do some God things in Bay City.
  • Define our vision and goals
  • Begin doing ministry and reaching out to the community of our new home.
  • Leave our current church equipped to continue the ministry. (They are so awesome! We are truly blessed and we are going to miss them greatly.)
  • Sell our home and find a new one.
God is already helping us reach some of these goals! He is so cool like that. We have raised $7,000.00 already. YEAH! We have some great leadership teams in our current church that can carry on awesome ministry. We are going for training at the end of March. And God is already developing a team to go with us to Bay City. How awesome is that?!
I will be telling our story of our new adventure right here on Get JOY! Check in with us and read all about how God lead us here, how He is directing us and the exciting things He is going to do. I already know He has some great things in store for all of us!
Getting busy about the Kingdom….

(The pictures are from Bay City this past fall.)

Be looking for some upcoming blog post…
How we are doing in raising our funds

1.  The Call

2.  The “BIG MOVE” for Our Kids!
"Our Kids and the BIG MOVE"

3.  Saying Goodbyes
"Saying Hello also means Saying Goodbye" part 1
4. Pictures
 A View from My Camera....Our New City!

5. Homeschooling
Just In Case You Didn't Know We Were Crazy! 

6. Selling our Home and Buying a new One! 
What Seems to be Our Biggest Hurdle!

Home for Sale!

7. Check this out and "like" us!
We are on Facebook!

8. Boot Camp
Left, Left, Left, Right Left!

9.  A Collaborative Effort

10. Church Name
The Name Game

11. Waiting To Get There!
I Hate Waiting!

12. Our Team
God is Bringing People Together!

13. Tough Times
As Long As He Gives Me Breath

Upcoming post....
14. Mission Statement

15. Our Marriage

16. Parenting

17. Money

and there will be more to come.....


  1. awesome!!! can't wait to read about each step. God is faithful to provide!!

  2. Looking forward to hearing what God will do!

  3. Wow, I'm so behind the curve on this one. First of all, congratulations! Secondly, you will have our prayer support. Bay City is a great location for an A/G church. I'll definitely talk to my board to see if we're able to come alongside financially. Congrats!

  4. WOW! This is very exciting! Just think, the kingdom will never be the same...more souls coming from Bay City Michigan! Yahoooooo! Bob and I will keep you in our prayers. Greater is HE in you than he that it is in the world! Good things are a comin'! Sharon & Bob Ferguson


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