
Monday, December 21, 2009

12 Days of Christmas ~ 10 Dancing Tomte

On the 10th day of Christmas at a Swedish breakfast you will find...10 dancing tomte!

Ever since I was a little girl, my family has attended Faith Covenant Church's Swedish breakfast. It has been a wonderful Christmas memory. This year we even made it in the Farmington news paper which also writes beautifully about all the Swedish festivities that happen at the breakfast.

Here we are just before the program started. The girls were checking out the fun centerpieces that are at each table. I can't wait for the yummy Swedish food that will be served in a few moments.

They make most of the food from scratch. The make Lucia buns, cardamom bread, skorpor, pepparkakor cookies, fruit soup, thumbprint cookies, and syrup cookies. They also serve ham, cheese, coffee and orange juice. The cardamom bread is my favorite. I want to go make some right now just thinking about it.

During the breakfast, we are welcomed by Sankta Lucia. We hear a beautiful choir, a fantastic bell choir, see children dancing and a wonderful message by the Pastor. It is such a wonderful time remembering that we need to be light in a dark world.

They always end the breakfast with this Swedish folk song...

The coffee's now cold let us stand and drink it all
The pleasure in Christmas belongs in this hall
You've received us so kindly our thanks we do give
We now take our leave but the joy we'll relive

9 kinds of candy

8 days and counting

7 songs for singing

6 musical tickets

5 golden pancakes

4 new little buildings

3 children decorating

2 pairs of shoes

1 holiday ornament

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