I spent most of yesterday at Mott's Children's Hospital. One of my 2nd grade girls from church was having major hip surgery. Yes, that is right hip surgery for a 2nd grader!!!!
After trying to find a parking spot and then finding her family, I was brought into the pre-op room. Mom and dad spent most of the time answering questions and asking questions. I knelt down and colored with her the best butterfly ever!
At one point, they had to mark her leg so that there would be no mistake on what side of her hip to work on. She wasn't too happy about that. I told her sometimes I write on my hand. She looked at me and asked why? I told her, "I write on my hand so I don't forget stuff and sometimes I will have a huge list on my hand....it can be pretty funny. "
I then without thinking grabbed a marker and wrote the word, "Pray" on my hand. I told her that I would remember to pray for her during surgery. Without anybody's prompting, she grabbed the blue marker and wrote "OK" on my hand.
Shortly after, they put her in a red wagon, we prayed together and she rode off to surgery. In the waiting room, I brought my crochet project and began working on it. Every time I saw my hand I would pray.
I John 5
14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.
15 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.
"OK, Pray!" What a simple but profound statement that was to me in that moment in the pre-op area. Instead of worrying, instead of pacing, instead of fretting I was reminded to just "OK, Pray"! So many times we forget that we can go to the very throne of God and tell Him our needs. The God of the universe hears us. He is not far off. He longs to have communication with us we just have to start talking.
"Ok, Pray!" and ...
GET JOY!Please keep her in your prayers! The surgery was very successful and quick (2 1/2 hours, we were told four)...just what I asked for in prayer. However, she now is in a cast from her belly button down to her right ankle on one side and down to her knee on the left. She will be in bed for the next six weeks, homeschooling and getting bored. This is tough stuff for a second grader.