
Monday, October 25, 2010

GEPC ~ Bible Study

Whoo Hoo! My friend (Jenilee at My Awake Journey) and I have decided to do another online Bible study. We have done one before (month of Proverbs) and it was a lot of fun and very challenging for me. I am so excited and I am already getting ready for it. So here are the detials if you would like to join in or just follow along.....

  • We will be studying Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians (GEPC)!

  • We will be looking at one chapter per day for 20 days.

  • Anyone is welcome to write their own thoughts, link up with us or just follow along.

  • We will start Nov. 1st and go until Nov. 20th

  • Grab the button and put it on your blog

  • November Devotion Series

  • Make sure you check out my friend Jenilee's thoughts on her blog as well!

I am so excited! It was so much fun doing a month of Proverbs with her and I am sure this is going to be great exploring GEPC! I can't wait to see what God is going to show us. So check us out during Nov. 1-20 and join in on the fun as we explore God's word and learn more about Him!

We will...

Also I want to give a shout out to my friend, Peter Flaherty, who took that beautiful picture in our button. He is a fantastic photographer and was so kind to give me permission to use it. Thanks Peter!

Galatians 1 ~ Only 1 Good News!
Galatians 2 ~ When Conflict Happens!
Galatians 3 ~ I Am A Star!
Galatians 4 ~ True-Born Heir
Galatians 5 ~ Run Well!
Galatians 6 ~ Boast In Christ
Ephesians 1 ~ Sealed!
Ephesians 2 ~ I Am Now A....
Ephesians 3 ~ Home!
Ephesians 4 ~ What Does The Christian Look Like????
Epesians 5 ~ Godly Marriage
Ephesians 6 ~ Putting on the Armor!
Philippians 1 ~ Heaven, My Home
Philippians 2 ~ Joy of Living for Christ
Philippians 3 ~ Where Is Your Treasure?
Philippians 4 ~ Joy!
Colossians 1 ~ Christ Is Our All!
Colossians 2 ~ The Picture of Christian Living!
Colossians 3 ~ Get Dressed!
Colossians 4 ~ Be Found Diligent!

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