Chapter Breakdown
1. God's Mysterious Plan Revealed (1-12)
2. Paul's Prayer for Spiritual Growth
I love a good mystery. I love the who-done-it! I like trying to figure out how a person got from point A to point B. I can't get enough of that stuff....it's probably why I liked Nancy Drew books as a kid.
There are mysterious things about God. Not bad mysterious...glorious mysterious; things I will never understand until I meet Him face to face.
In vs. 18 & 19 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.
I love that there is something new to learn about Him every day. But I never will be able to truly understand Him because He is just too big, too awesome, too amazing...too much beyond what human words could even express. But every now and again God reveals His mysterious plans to us. One of those times of revelation can be found in verse 1-12 in Ephesians.
His plan has always been that Gentiles and Jews who believe in Jesus would be God's children. As God's children we will inherit all the "endless treasures available to us in Christ".
His purpose was so that the church would glorify Him! My question is ....Are we "displaying His wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places (vs. 10)"? I hope we are not falling short!
What God Wants To Show Me Today
There are two things I want to narrow in on....
Vs. 12 Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.
Because of Christ work on the cross, He has made away for us to communicate directly to God. When we pray we are in the very presence of the Most High. We no longer need a Priest as in the Old Testament because Jesus has become our High Priest. We are covered by the blood of Jesus and that is why we can boldly approach His throne.....because He made it possible.
Second and my most favorite....
Vs. 16&17 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.
I love, love, love this verse. Can I say it again?! I LOVE this verse. God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit...and then Christ comes and makes his home in our hearts. I love the word home here; God chooses to live in me. Wow!
I love being at my home. I love eating yummy home cooked meals at the dinner table. Or maybe, I like to snuggle under a warm blanket, drinking cocoa, and reading a good book. Playing games at the table with my kids is always a pleasant time. Or possibly I will cuddle with my hubby on the couch while watching a great chick flick. I love crawling into my bed under the crisp sheets Sometimes, I come in the door, drop my stuff on the floor and breathe a sigh of relief...because I am finally home.

Home has such warm, fuzzy, secure, loving, peaceful feelings for me. Maybe, you don't have those feelings when you think of your earthly home. However, they are the characteristics that Christ will teach you as he makes your heart His home. Maybe, you are worried because you don't know how a home should work, or look like or be!!! Look though... it is Him who does all the work. The Holy Spirit gets us ready and Christ makes his home in us. What do we have to do....trust!
Trust and Home will be in your Heart.
beautiful! I love that he makes his Home in us too! Holy Spirit continue to cleanse us and prepare us to have Home in our hearts!