Stop...No more reading blogs about thanksgiving, this one is a picture story of our day of thanks...enjoy, it will only take a minute. You are welcome, I know you are all busy now that the holiday season has begun. I mean who has time to read a bunch of blogs now that Christmas is only 26 days away!
Our story begins the night before getting the stuffing ready for the bird took several people to finish.

Even the young ones got to help prepare the food! Yeah for pies! Whoo HOOO!

Of course there was Rudy to be mashed!

and many, many, many .....so many potatoes to be peeled.

and turkey's that needed to be lovingly cooked!

Here is what is on the menu for 22 people...2 Turkeys, 35 potatoes, 2 Rutabagas, tons of stuffing, a pot of beans, a pot of corn, sweet potato casserole, orange shimmering jello, fruit salad, pickles, carrots, celery, 36 rolls, a gallon of gravy, apple crisp, 1 apple pie, 1 cherry pie, 2 banana cream pies, 2 pumpkin pies and enough leftovers to feed us for the rest of the weekend.

Eating the food, we took most of the day to cook, is a yummy way finish to a wonderful day!

Of course we also participated in the timely tradition of watching our Lions lose again!

All the cousins had fun just hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's playing games and goofing around.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and took some time to reflect on all that you are thankful for. Here is one of the things we found on our thanksgiving table..... (the card not the child)

Ditto on the last line! Thank you Lord for all that you have given to me and my family. Lord, you help my really, truly....
GET JOY!Ooooo I will leave you with one last thing, my favorite facebook status last week....
My daughter asked at the dinner table the other night, "Can we eat less food for the next couple of days so I can eat more on Thanksgiving day?" I think she was trying to get out of eating her veggies at the moment. But my hubby answered, "You really need to eat a lot of food to stretch out your stomach so you can fit more food in." Yikes, life lessons at our house....Ugh!
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