101 things I can do when there is nothing to do....

1. Make a tent in your living room.
2. Make popsicles out of juice, small paper cups, and popsicle sticks.
3. Pretend to go on a trip, make tickets, pack a bag, board your couch, take pictures.
4. Write a list of 10 things you would like to do.
5. Ask to have a parent let you take pictures of God’s creation and put them on the fridge or your blog.
6. Make something three dimensional; use a box, paper, tape, glue and crayons.
7. Press some flowers you picked.
8. Make rubbings of leaves that you find.
9. Learn about a different Christmas traditions and add it to you own.
10. Most definitely have a tea party.
11. Have a sleepover.
12. Go on a treasure hunt in your yard (make your own map)
13. Learn to play tennis or baseball
14. Try a hula hoop…see how many you can do
15. Decorate your bike and have a parade down your sidewalk
16. Have a lemonade stand
17. Have the Olympics in your yard…make sure you make medals.
18. Go fishing (in your tub if you can’t go for real)
19. Make cookies with your parent
20. Make a card and send it to an older person who may need encouragement
21. Go through your toys and donate old ones to a mission
22. Play hopscotch
23. Do a mural on your sidewalk with sidewalk chalk
24. Paint a picture of yourself
25. Look in the mirror and try to learn to wiggle your ears
26. Practice spelling Mississippi
27. Go on a bug hunt
28. Volunteer some time helping someone…like raking leaves.
29. Do something special for mom
30. Do something special for dad
31. Go to the library and check out a fun book
32. Make your own paper dolls
33. Make a puppet out of a sock or paper bag and then put on a puppet show
34. Pretend you are from a different country and practice the accent
35. Make up a new song while singing on your swing
36. Invent a new game; make your own board and pieces or write up the rules
37. Learn how to play soccer or basketball
38. When you get a package in the mail ask your parent if you can have the bubble wrap and dance on it.
39. Ask for a big box (the bigger the better) and make something out of it (house, boat, car, rocket ship)
40. Build a snow fort
41. Make a collage out of newspaper or magazine pictures
42. Make something out of duct tape (slippers, purse, wallet, bracelet)
43. Design blue prints for a house on a piece of paper with all the rooms, doors, and furniture
44. Write a play and act it out for your family (make tickets, playbill and popcorn)
45. Make a home movie theater and watch a family favorite (make tickets and popcorn)
46. For dinner ask if you can make it into a restaurant, design a menu, give out fake money, take orders, and bus the table
47. Make a memory box to keep special items
48. Start a journal and write stories, thoughts, poems, songs and draw pictures
49. Make flowers out of Kleenex ask mom how
50. Plant a seed in a plastic bag with wet paper towel and watch it grow
51. Help mom and dad with chores without being asked see what happens
52. Make a card for someone special
53. Write a letter to the President of the United States and thank him for all his hard work
54. Ask mom if you can dress up in some of her old clothes, shoes and jewelry
55. Have a fashion show
56. Learn how to play an instrument or make your own
57. Learn ALL the words to your favorite song and sing it to your family
58. Make a paper airplane and see how far you can get it to go
59. Make homemade play dough
60. Make a Christmas ornament or decoration
61. Write a letter to God (put it in your memory box)
62. Make popcorn garland for your Christmas tree
63. Go caroling with your parents
64. At Thanksgiving pass out paper to everyone and have them write why they are thankful and hang them on the refrigerator
65. Learn the Pledge of Allegiance and the pledge to the Christian flag
66. Learn how to sing our national anthem
67. Draw and picture of our flag and hang it on the refrigerator
68. Learn about a current soldier name and address; pray for them and send them encouraging letters.
69. Make a special dessert for the pastor at your church
70. Draw a special picture for your teacher
71. Take an apple to your teacher
72. Wash your parent’s car and vacuum the inside…make sure you get their help and permission
73. Go to Grandmas and help her with some yard work
74. If you have a video camera ask mom and dad to help you film a short movie you wrote.
75. Ask mom for some old wrapping paper and on the back of it draw a mural or a sign
76. Have a water balloon fight
77. Play in the sprinkler with umbrellas
78. Make mud pies
79. Play hide and seek
80. Go swimming or learn how to swim
82. Take care of a pet
83. Rearrange your room, make it nice and neat
84. Get a cozy blanket and read a good book
85. Play house
86. Play school (make sure you send home homework)
87. Collect food boxes and washed out cans and set up your own grocery store, get some brown paper bags and play money too.
88. Make snow angels
89. Go sledding (make your own hill if you need to with the snow in your yard)
90. At the beach roll in the sand, jump in the water, dig to china and make a sand castle
91. Count as high as you can
92. Blow a bubble with chewing gun and try to blow a bubble inside of that bubble.
93. Camp in your backyard
94. Plant a flower or a tree in your yard with your parent
95. Paint your mom’s nail or if your dad will let you …his nails
96. Go for a nice walk with your parents and explore the nature around you
97. Ride bike with your family
98. Have a picnic on your living room floor on a rainy day
99. Dress up for a special event
100. Have “Pillow Time” get all the pillows in your house and put them in a huge pile in the living room and have your parents read you a book or watch a movie
101. Wear mixy matchy socks!

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