Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
My poor bike is lonely!
I love summer time memories!
Jenilee at The Goodwin Family is hosting Wednesday's Walk.
Meals for the week:
I have been using my 1,200 calorie meal plan my doctor gave me. It is working out pretty good. My dinner last night was very good. Oh, that site I mentioned also has meal plans there. I will probably be checking it out in the future. I have been very satisfied.Here is a recipe for you ( I made these and the whole family likes them)!
Grrrrrr....this is my biggest problem! I can't figure out when to fit it in. I am going to continue to try to figure this one out. I will keep you posted.
God's Lesson for Me!
Did I ever tell you all I have IBS?! I do and when I don't eat well...I am a mess. I think it is God's clever way of getting my attention.
In kids church last week I shared with the kids about Divine Healing. I taught them that God heals us in many ways. One of those ways is with our own bodies. He made these bodies that can heal themselves; but we can make our bodies sick by not taking care of them. We have to make good choices to keep it healthy and strong. How true....I need to do my part and eat healthy to keep myself healthy. I can then rely on God's promises for the rest. God shared with me at the start of all this that if I do my part then He would help me, and He has!
Diet Coke! I have to cut down on it because it messes my stomach up...but some days it just hits the spot!
Life Change Challenge
Exercise...it will really make this work!
Next week...
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!
This is so a "NOT ME"....but I could not wait Jenilee....
Oh, and a funny side note....During the judging, people would stand around us and make comments and we would have to politely ask them to step away. On the third day I was writing and a man was making comments about one of the pieces....I had had it at this point. I was just about to shush him. When I looked up that man, I was annoyed with, was Dr. George Wood, Superintendant of the Assemblies of God along with Jay Mooney, National Youth Director. I am sure glad I did not shush them! YIKES!
However, I told the other evaluators what I had almost had done and we were all laughing out loud. I told Dr. Wood what I almost did and he got a good chuckle out of it and said I could shush him anytime. LOL I know all you A/G readers would get a kick out of that story.
Teenagers and their talents amaze me!