I do not know why some verses stick out more to me than others; maybe, it is life circumstances or what God is speaking to you in the moment. Whatever it is, sometimes verses just become life time favorites.
The idea of ransom is so meaningful to me. The idea that Jesus Christ, God of the universe, paid my sin debt by dying for me it so huge for me to understand. I sometimes feel that I grasp the entire theology behind it; but, I do not think I will ever totally get it until I see Jesus face to face! I also love that Jesus stands on our behalf. He is our mediator! Dictionary.com had this definition that I really liked...one that works to effect reconciliation. Oh, how I needed to be reconciled to God and there is Jesus doing all He can to make that happen. Ooooo so good, thank you God for saving me from my sins.
I love this picture of my parents! That is me they are carrying. Now, that I am a parent I really get what it was that my parents wanted more for me than anything in this world and that is Christ. I am so thankful for parents that love God and that they did their very best to share Jesus with my sister and me. They always allowed us to come and discover God in our own time and in our own way. They never pushed their faith on us. They just loved us and show Jesus as often as they can. They provided every opportunity to grow and hear about His love. Christ was a priority in there lives and it became a priority to us. I am so grateful Lord that you saw fit to give me to my parents, Thank You.
As my children grow I now feel that longing that my parents felt. I want more than anything for my kids to know Christ, to know His love, to know His power, to know His joy! I want them to know that Jesus is doing everything He can to reconcile them to himself. All of this is the prayer of my heart as it was the prayer of my mom and dad!
Thanks mom and dad!
As our children bring us joy...may we bring them joy by our example!

Wow This is so powerful and oneday your kids will read this with tears in their eyes as they hold their little ones thanking God for the parents He gave them. What an awesome heritage to pass on from generation to generation.