"Get Joy" Book Verses
Last night, I rushed my son off to the ER. He was really struggling with congestion. His ribs were sucking in. One of the signs my doctor told me to come in for. This is the third major sickness of my small boy's life in less than a year, Ugh!
On the way to the ER, I started to do the "What if game". I have told my self so many times to not go there in my head. But, there on my way I found myself playing the game. What if he has to be hospitalized? What if he is really bad? What about my trip to Jamaica in 6 days, will he be fine? And of course what then usually happens when I go down this path, what if he dies? I am sure I am not the only mom who has allowed her thoughts to go that way in the face of an emergency.
But in the gentlest of ways my Father, God, reminded me of a few things. He reminded me that I cannot control his life. I cannot keep him from all these diseases. I cannot know what all is in store for his life. But, in the most loving way as He always does, He also reminded me of a few other things. He reminded me that my son is His...that he is His creation...that He loves my son more than me...that He has my son's best interest always in mind....that He has a plan for him. I always seem to forget all those things. God is in always in control and I always trust in His promises no matter what. When He spoke those things it calmed my heart. When the Doctor came in and told me my boy had pneumonia, sure I got real nervous....but God has shown me the path of LIFE and I will trust in Him.
And in His presence I will...

My son is at home eating a piece of pizza with me as I write this. He is not better yet, but he will be. PTL
I am reminded of the worst night of my and your mother's life. When Keith Johnson called us to tell us that you hae been in an accident and he didn't know your status. Fear is a powerful emotion. It was only by God's help and assurance that you were in his hands were we able to drive to the hospital, not knowing if your were even alive. Thank God for the internet and cell phones today that provide for almost instant communications. Micah,we love you but God loves you more. What a comfort that is to parents when trouble comes.
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